Stavish Squared Script

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Setting: Christmas Eve. Stage consists mainly of a living room and dining room, belonging to the Stavish family. The “front door” is stage right attached to the living room. To the stage left there is a door that leads to the kitchen attached to the dining room. In the center is a door that leads to more of the house. Next to the kitchen door, stage left, is a small Christmas Tree lit up. The set is very neat and tidy.


Stanley Stavish – Early 20's, currently in college, son to Rich, boyfriend to Stacy

Richard “Rich” Stavish – Mid-40's, father to Stanley, lover to Julie

Stacy Grooters – Early 20's, also in college, daughter to Erica, girlfriend to Stanley

Erica Grooters – Late 40's, mother to Stacy, Richard's lover and soon to be fiance

Lights up on Stan setting the dining room tables for dinner. Rich is in the kitchen, making noise off stage. Stan becomes distracted by his phone as it buzzes, he looks at it and goes up stairs answering it. Rich comes out with a large salad bowl and tongs.

Rich – setting the bowl on the table, looking around for Stan “Stan? Stan where'd you go?” Looking through door CS. “Stan! We've gotta get this set up for when Erica gets here, don't want to have a bad first impression right?”

Stan – offstage “Yeah, dad, I'm coming!” coming through door, half changed into a suit. “Stacy called to let me know that she was on her way over. I was gonna change into something a little more... nice.”

Rich - “Yeah that's a good idea. You need to match the class of your father, eh?”

Stan - “Uh huh, sure dad.” Goes back through the CS door to continue changing.

Rich – As he sets the table, yelling off stage. “So, how have classes been going? Keeping your grades up?”

Stan – off stage “Yeah. I get straight C's like everyone else!”

Rich - “Right.... I don't suppose you've ever tried this thing called studying?”

Stan - “Well how can I Dad? I’ve been spending so much time at work, how can you honestly expect me to keep both up.”

Rich - “Yeah, I guess that's only fair. How HAS work been going?”

Stan – coming back on stage attempting to tie his tie “Oh. I was fired. But I've been looking for another job.”

Rich - “How the hell did you manage to get fired, your boss was so nice. I don’t think she ever stopped smiling the whole time I came in to visit you. Come to think of it I don’t think she stopped talking either.”

Stan - “Well I kept calling in sick and eventually they told me I had to either show up or quit...”

Rich - “So you quit then, you weren't fired. What did I tell you? That was such a good job for you!”

Stan – still messing with his tie “No no, I came to work I just... well, I was sick, so...”

Rich - “Well they can't honestly blame you for being sick. Maybe I should give them a call.” walking to the kitchen

Stan - “Well I mean, getting caught sleeping in the broom closet the last few times probably didn’t help. But who can blame me for being tired! I have such a busy class schedule who has time for work!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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