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"Who ... are you?"

Still in shock you look up to the person, that just asked you your name. Just by looking at the guy you are immediately intimated by his size. You gulp and answer him in a shaky voice "m- my name is ... I ... I-  cant remember.."
Because of his faceexpression, you immediately know, that he is as surprised as you are, that you dont know your name. You both have a long and awkward starring moment. ...  It it is uncomfortably long. ... Then finally the awful silence is broken, by the stranger also introducing himself. "Oh- oh boi, my name is Ranboo, sorry I forgot to introduce myself" You can feel how embarresed he is by himself, so you just try to give him a comforting smile. "Nice to meet you Rain- ... Ranboo" You immediately facepalm yourselve and all you can think of is, that you nearly called him a rainbow.
"Sooo ... you are probably new around here. Right?" Still struggling to get a clear thought you just nod without even really thinking. "Oh I see, that's why you can't remember your name! " With only your eyes, you indicate to him that you are as clueless as you were bevor. Ranboo takes his hand and ruffles up his hair. "I am really bad at explaining things ..."

While he is still struggling to find a good explanation for your situation, you take a minute to even look at the guy. He is really tall and definitely not human, the feature that stings out the most is his half black and half white skin. Matching to the halves, his eyes are green and red. The most inhuman things about him are his horns and his, almost elf like, ears which have a lot of accessories on them. After you were done inspecting him, he also seemed to have an explanation ready.

"Well ... so basically what happened to you..." In a desperate attempt to make you understand, he used his hands to emphasize the meaning of his words. But to you, it mostly looks like he is doing a wired little dance. "What happened to you is, well... you probably lost your memory?"This was the moment you noticed, you both were absolutely clueless.

Although you are still kind of scarred, you stand up and tell him your thoughts. "If I am honest you sound as confused as I am" Thereupon the slender guy again, ruffles his hair, that is also black and white, in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. "Hah... so my explanation skills really are that bad" You both give each other the embarrassed laugh. Ranboo takes a deep breath, for a second attempt to explain the situation. "Actually, you weren't that wrong at all, I don't know a lot about this place eighter. People just appear here for some reason." He does a dramatic look into another direction. "The only thing that I know for certain is, people that appear here have lost their memory." Do to his dramatic look, you conclude that he to, has had a similar experience. "But even though you have lost you memory, there is really no reason to be sad at all!" All you can reply to that hopelessly optimistic sentence is a blank stare. Although this does seem to amuse Ranboo "Heh you really aren't really the talking type are you?" You put on a rebellious smile and shake your head. Both you and the Oreo coloured guy start to chuckle.

After the two of you are done chuckling Ranboo invites you to show you the city he lives in. "Its called the dream smp and its really close by!" You just smile and answer "Well I don't think I have anything better to do anyways!" As you take your first step you notice that there was a huge strand of black purplish hair covering one your eyes. You pull it out of your face. Suddenly you feel a stare that makes your spine run cold. You look over to Ranboo just to be presented with the source of it. "Is something the matter?" You ask as calmly as you can. The tall guy besides you shakes his head and puts on his normal friendly face again. "I was just surprised at you eye colour ... right ... I should explain to you what the eye colour even means!" He wasn't only rushing while talking but due to his long legs, you also had trouble keeping up with him. "Wait but before you explain to me, could you tell me what colour my eyes even are?" You could see in Ranboos face that he totally forgot that you can't remember anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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