His Room (Part Two)

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I still can't believe that Drake gave me an iPhone 6. I may not be as trendy as others but I know that iPhone 6 is one of the most anticipated and trendy cellphones nowadays.

To say I am very lucky would be a very very lame statement. I am beyond lucky that me myself could not even find a word that could match what I'm feeling right now.

It's actually not because of the prize of the phone but the thing is I never expected him to give me something, but he did. It's like having a zero percent of winning a bronze but actually got home the gold.

He helped me though I don't have a clue why he is doing this to me but it can't still stop me from feeling so special. The feeling of an angel that actually had her wings for just a span of a day is what I am feeling right now. Even if she knew that her happiness would come to an end still she enjoyed every minute of it and the memory she had made is infinite. That' me right now!

"Come, I'll take you home now. Your mom is surely looking for your whereof." He stood up after explaining me the things in this phone.

He even said that I am a fast learner. Off course my ears widen a bit with that.

"Are you sure you are giving this to me?" I asked him again while we are making our way to the door. Even though I don't want to return it I just wanna make sure that he is willing to give this to me.

"I have iPhone 6+ and that won't come handy if it will just stay with me so might as well give it to you." Did you realize how rich he is with what he just said?

"I really can't stop myself from thinking that you are my angel." I honestly said.

"Well, maybe I really am your angel." He seriously said but smiled after a bit.

I was about to answer him when a curse suddenly came out of his mouth.

"Oh shit!" I was shocked and confused at first but I immediately got what he meant upon hearing heavy drops of rain coming from the outside.

Drake looked at me with a worried face. "You better sleep here. You might get sick if I drive you home." I kinda expecting this but I was shocked when he actually said it.

"Uhm..." I wanna say yes but I can't. I just don't know what he'll think of me.

I'm sure mom isn't home because she is busy in the hospital and will be at our house by seven in the morning so I guess it's okay that I'm not at home.

"No questions. You will sleep here." He said and continuously walk as I follow him.

"I'm gonna have the guestroom cleaned and you can wear Patricia's dress."

"Patricia?" I threw him the question quickly. I'm not jealous just curious.

"Their are things better not knowing. Same goes with her. You don't need to know who she is." I'm gonna wear her dress and I don't even know her? Great!

I have this urge to know who is Patricia but Drake seemed to be annoyed when I asked him about the Patricia girl she mentioned so I just choose to not say anything anymore.

We continued walking until we reached downstairs and there I saw Drake's sister glaring at me.

"You said you and her will just be taking a few minutes upstairs but it actually took you almost an hour to cure her wound. What kind of skin does she have? A crocodile's skin?" She welcomed us with those nice words. By the way, I'm being sarcastic.

"I'm sorry baby. We just need to solve some other things other than her wound. Besides her wound is cured before we could even go up. We just really need to settle some other things and now it is all okay." Drake explained and he didn't actually made that up because that is what really happened.

"Good then, if she is now okay then you can to take that girl home. Better hurry." Her sister commanded her like she is the one who is older here.

"Baby, she can't go home because she might get sick due to this heavy rain." Drake reasoned out.

"Really? Even if dad will be coming home any time tonight?" Drake's face was full of shock, nervousness and anger and I know that something is going on.

Drake faced me and I know that he is trying to think of a good way to request me to go home but it seems like he is having a doubt so I just volunteered to go.

"I think it's better for me if I would just go and besides mom maybe looking for me." I can't come up of another excuse so I just lied.

"I'm sorry." He shook his head and said it with a soft voice.

"It's okay. I have to go now. Thank you for everything." I was about to walk down the remaining steps of the stairs when he hurriedly stopped me.

"Wait!" He held my arm causing me to look at him.

"I'm gonna request my driver to take you home." I was about to protest with her suggestion because I might cause trouble to his driver but the door suddenly opened and all of our attentions where caught by the couple standing at its center.

"We are home!" The woman announced proudly like there are so many people waiting for her comeback.

The woman examined the whole house and her forehead narrowed with the sight of me. She immediately got the old man's attention with just a touch of her elbow on the old man's arm. Now, the two of them are looking at me and I think I know who they are.

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