ρoιnт вreaĸ : six

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I spend the next three days in bed. I don't want to go out, don't want to risk bumping into Ida or Becca. I can imagine them laughing at me. How could I be so silly? What was I thinking, going out for Kai like that. I should've known Ida had a hook in him, just like Becca should've known. But I didn't, I fell into his trap and I let myself be made a fool in front of everyone.

Tears fell down my face and I pressed it to the pillow, ashamed at letting myself get that way. I just wanted to go home.


By the end of the week, I've made up my mind to go home. I call my parents and tell them I'm buying a ticket. I've had enough of Kaui. I'm already packing as I try to convince my Mom through the phone.

"Are you sure honey? You've only got this last month, you really want to spend it stuck here being bored?" Mom says, trying to get me out of it. I don't want to tell her what happened.

"I'm bored here. There's nothing to do." Other than surfing, but I can't even focus on the idea of getting in the water. With my head in every other place, it'll make me a target of the ocean and I can easily get off course. I tear my eyes away from my board. I won't be bringing that back.

"What about your friends? Didn't you meet some girls?" I sigh out in exasperation and annoyance.

"It's not about them. It's about me. Things just aren't the same. I want to come home and be comfortable with people and things I'm familiar with!" I whine. I throw the bag onto the bed and take a seat beside it.

"Well, maybe things will be different here," Mom says and I can hear the apprehension in her voice. It makes me nervous.

"What do you mean?" Mom sighs and sucks her teeth. I can tell her eyebrows are furrowed and her forehead wrinkled as she tries to find the right words for what she wants to say.

"We're cleaning out the room," Mom says. My heart locks at the words and it aches, as if someone's clenching it tightly.

"What?" I manage to ask. My breathing is ragged. I try to smooth and even them out, but I can't. "You can't clean out the room!" Anger courses through my body and I grip the phone tighter in my hand, the other turning into a fist. My nails are digging into my palm, but I ignore the pain. It doesn't hurt as much as the realization of the truth.

"Taylor, it's a part of closure. Your father and I find it best to pack Kayleigh's things away. You have to-"

"I don't have to do anything! You're already choosing for me! You don't have the right to shove her things into storage."

"Kayleigh isn't coming back Taylor," Mom says softly and I can hear the break in her voice. "I miss her too honey, but we have to realize that we have to move on . . ." Mom's voice is distant. I don't bother listening to what she has to say, I can't listen. The sound of my heart beating and the whooshing of blood in my ears, overpower her voice.

I leave the phone on the bed.

I grab my board.

And I get out of there.


My anger is now just a flurry of emotions all related to sadness. The walk to the beach didn't clear my head, just gave me time to work up arguments against what Mom was doing. It's wrong. She can't take away the very things that eased the pain of losing Kayleigh. I needed those pictures of her face. I need the bed. I need the dresser with her clothes; her scent, her smile, anything that she last touched gives me the chance to rexperience having her in my life - before she ws brutally taken away from me.

Reaching the beach, I stomp through the sand. There are a few other people, but for the most part it was empty. It was a pretty cold day. I'm not even dressed in a suit, I left too angry to even put one on, but I need a relief, I need to get out and do something! I need to do anything because I can't do this, I can't just go on with this hurt and pain.

Shedding my jean shorts, I run toward the water, slaps my board down and straddled it like normal. The sound of Kai's voice from training roars in my ears. Once far in, I lay across the board and begin to paddle further and further. The water's cold and some of the waves slap upwards and fell onto my lips. I ignore the salty warnings and go further in.

I can ee the wave, it was coming for me and it will be a nice one, if I can atch it. I wait as the water ebbed back and forth, pushing me from both directions. The time comeseand I jump upward, angling my body to hit to wave, but coming up short. She pushes against me and I fell over. My hands gripped the board tight and I came up, shaking my head and gasping.

I struggle to come back on the board.

"I hate you!" I scream as another wave builds, this one taller. Gripping my board tight, I try to go under, but something catches me. The water has grown irrational and crazed. I am jerked around.

Everytime I come back up, I feel myself being pushed down. I'm sure I'm a goner.

And then, I feel hands and when my eyes flutter open, I see the light.

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