Chapter 8

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     Soon, Seojin and Namjoo brought Jimin back to her job, where the pink haired girl reluctantly closed the car door as they stared at her longingly.
"It was nice eating with you guys..." Jimin smiled shyly, playing with the sleeves of her shirt. "I'll like to do it again...i-if you want to that is!"
"We'd love to Jimin." Namjoo smiled softly.
"Jimin can we have your number?" Seojin blurted out, and then immediately blushed as Namjoo and Jimin looked to her. "Sorry t-that just came out of nowhere.."
"S-Sure!" the younger beamed happily and took out her phone, quickly giving it to Seojin. The two older women then put their numbers in, and gave her phone back. "Are you guys going anywhere after this?"
"Yea we have to go back to work for a little bit to help our assistant managers." Namjoo replied from the passenger seat. "Are you going to think about our offer?"
"Yea I'll think about it." and she stepped away from the car, allowing for Seojin to pull out of the parking lot and leave. "Bye...."

As soon as Jimin was back into the diner, Junghyun immediately dragged her to an empty booth. The older girl gasped in surprise as she was gently pushed into a seat, and the younger girl sat across from her with a huge grin on her young face.
"Ok tell me everything from start to finish!!!" she gushed, and Jimin giggled. "Come on unnie!"
"Ok ok! So they took me to get new clothes as you can see. And we went to go eat at this expensive ass restaurant, where they asked me to be their sugar baby." Jimin replied nonchalantly, hoping that it would slid across from Junghyun. But when Junghyun choked, the pink haired girl knew she had to explain.
"What??? Really?! Namjoo unnie and Seojin unnie asked you to be their sugar baby?!?"
"Basically...what should I do Hyunie....? I've never done anything like this before; and I haven't even been in a real relationship! And they're married! Why would they want anything else with me besides a one-night stand..?"
"Oh Jimin unnie....they like you! Clearly..but you should give it a try; you're always complaining about school fees and shit, and helping your seems like this would be good for you!"
"Why are you talking so much sense right now Junghyun???" Jimin whined and Junghyun chuckled. "I'm supposed to be the more mature one of us both!"
"Maybe shorter people are just dumber unnie~"
"Hey respect your unnie!"
"Sorry, unnie."
"Anyways," Junghyun stood up, holding out her hand for Jimin to take, "Let's get back to work." Jimin looked at the hand with a fond smile, taking it.
"Yea," she grinned, "Let's get back to work."

"Do you think Jimin will take our offer?" Namjoo asked once the two were in their offices, sitting together. Recently, they moved their offices together so they could see each other more.
       "Hopefully..." Seojin replied with a frown, fiddling with her lanky fingers. "I really would like to get to know her asides from having sex. Although that would be a plus..."
      "Yea I know right? She seems really sweet.."
      "Yea." but they were interrupted by a knock on their door, and Yoonji came through. "Oh Yoonji! What're you doing here?? I thought you were training the interns?"
     "The training was paused. I had to take my estrogen, and I heard you two were back from messing around my girlfriend's friend. So now I want to know what happened at the diner~" Yoonji mused, crossing her arms.
      "We did!" Namjoo gushed, blushing pink along with Jin. "She was really sweet, although she spilled coffee on us. Hot coffee too."
     "Oh damn that had to hurt."
     "It did. But it was worth it because we found her~" Seojin beamed, "And she was absolutely beautiful~"
     "You two sound so smitten it disgusts me. But it's cute. But anyways, here's the monthly earnings." and Namjoo and Jin nodded. "I'll be off, call me when you need me."

     A couple of hours later, and Jimin was finally going home. She knew that her two friends were already there, so she was excited to tell them what had happened today.
      So when she opened her door, she didn't expect to be tackled by Snowcone, her pitbull.
"Baby!" the pink haired woman immediately started to gush, scratching behind the dog's ears and making him bark. "How's my baby~"
      "He's been fine since me and Jihyo fed him." Hosook yelled from the couch, with Jihyo laying her head in the order's lap. "Nice of you to finally be back from work~"
      "Hi guys!" Jimin made her way to her friends, while Snowcone, along with Cookie and Cream, who came from the kitchen, followed closet behind their owner. "I always forget that I gave you guys a key to my apartment.."
      "Yep so now you're stuck with us~" Jihyo smirked, which made Jimin groan jokingly and sit down between the two. "I missed you guys~"
"We missed you too tiny." the two taller girls replied in unison, making Jimin giggle.
"Guys you'll never guess what happened to me today." and Jihyo and Hosook turned to Jimin, "Remember when we went to the club and I left with those two women??"
      "Yea..." Jihyo hummed at the same time that Hosook said,
      "Yea, and that's where I met Tae~"
      "Ew gushy. Anyways, I met them again! And I accidentally spilled coffee on them...but they paid for me to get clothes! And then they asked me to be their sugar baby but that's not important."
       "WHAT?!?" they both screeched in unison, and Jimin winced.
      "Don't try to change the subject!!" Jihyo hissed and Hosook nodded. "You're going to be a sugar baby?!?"
      "What?? I didn't even answer them yet! I don't know what to do....." and the two taller girls frowned. "I don't wanna be that girl and get all spoiled or whatever..."
      "Excuse me?" Jihyo scoffed, and the pink haired girl realized what she had said, "So you think I'm spoiled?"
      "No! I didn't mean it like that...I'm sorry Jiji. I just...I don't like to rely on people to give me money...I'm not like you Jihyo, I can't just take money because it's handed to me. I need to actually work for it for my family. You know my parents are getting old. One day, they'll have to either close down the family restaurant or give it to me..."
       "I know what you mean Jiminie, and it's ok to lean on people sometimes. College is hard; especially with all of the fees and shit. I honestly think that you need this, and maybe they like you! So Jimin, accept it. There's nothing wrong with a little help now and then. Look it up; it'll help you a lot!" and Jimin hummed.
      It'll do me good...? Maybe....

      Seojin and Namjoo finally made it back to their home hours later, and they were completely exhausted. They've been anxious the whole day, awaiting for Jimin to text them and accept their proposition or not.
      So finally, when they got home, they took a long bath together and immediately laid down in bed.
       "Do you think she'll text us maybe tomorrow about her answer?" Namjoo fretted, biting her nails nervously. Seojin smiled fondly and gently took her wife's fingers out of her mouth, kissing her tenderly.
      "Calm down my love~" she said softly, "She said she'll think about it and tell us. She wouldn't leave us in the wind like that. And even if she did, we'll just show up at her job and demand why she left."
       "That sounds stalkerish my dear."
       "Well that's the price to pay. Let's just go to sleep for now." they both smiled at each other and Namjoo turned around to her other side, allowing for Jin to spoon her. "I love you Kim Namjoo~"
       "And I love you as well Kim Seojin." and they fell asleep.
       BUT before they could, they heard a ding coming from both of their phones. The two immediately sat up and grabbed their phones from their chargers, opening it up and seeing that it was a text from Jimin.
      Hey. it said. I thought about what you asked of me. And I agree. I'll be your sugar baby :)

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