Chapter 29

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Jimin stepped out of the car, and she breathed in deeply while smiling widely.
"I'm back home in Seoul...." she smiled to herself, walking up to her shared apartment. "I missed my little fur babies~" She knew that Hosook was at least home, since Jihyo was out with friends. The black haired girl made it up the stairs, and went up to their door. She unlocked it and opened it, and screamed out in complete shock. Hosook and Tae screamed out as well, untangling n their legs. Hosook fell off of the couch with a yelp, and she quickly stood up.
"Jimin what the actual fuck are you doing back home?!?" Hosook screeched, standing up with her hands on her hips. "I thought you were staying in Busan longer!! And your hair is black!! What the hell Park Jimin?!"
"I can understand unnie!! I came back for Namjoo unnie and Seojin unnie to talk! I didn't think I would see my best friend her partner fucking on our couch! This is public seating unnie!! And Wheein unnie dyed my hair for like it?"
"I love it but that's not the point! Fuck-well we didn't know you would come back!!" the red haired elder whined, stomping her foot. Jimin giggled and dropped her bags down on the ground, hugging the naked elder. "Hey Jiminie...I missed you..."
"I missed you too Hobi unnie...."
"Well that took longer then expected for Namjoo and Jin to finally confess to you Jiminie~" Tae mused, wrapping the blanket they were using on the couch to wrap their body up. "Are they back from Busan too?? And how was it? Did they go all out for the confession? Because Namjoo went hard as fuck when she proposed to Jin-"
"-Wait what do you mean confess?? A-And what do you mean by 'are they back yet'?!" Jimin gasped, and both Tae and Hosook paled. "Guys what do you mean by that...?"
"I thought you were back from Busan because....Namjoo and Seojin went to Busan to confess their love to you, and to take you back home to us." Jimin froze, and she stayed quiet with her mouth gaping open. But she closed her mouth, silently walked back to her bags, picked them up, and walked to her room without a sound leaving her mouth. Tae and Hosook watched the the whole time; watched her open her door, walk inside of her room, and closing the door behind her with their eyes wide. Then, a loud scream echoed throughout the apartment, and the two flinched.
"Oh she's pissed Hosook." Tae gulped, sitting back down on the couch. Hosook gulped and nodded, sitting down next to the younger.
"This won't turn out good I think..."

Jimin's mother and the other women led Namjoo and Seojin inside of the house, and they sat Namjoo and Jin down at the kitchen table. Then, her mother and the woman sat in front of them, and Mrs. Park smiled at the couple.
"Mrs. Park we're so sorry to barge in on your lives like this." Jin sincerely apologized, deeply bowing her head in respect.
"Please call me Maejin you two~and I don't mind at all. You're welcome to come anytime since you are close with my daughter." Jimin's mother bowed her head as well, and Namjoo followed after the elder woman. "And the woman next to me is Wheein, a childhood friend of Jiminie."
"Why did you guys come here?" Wheein asked, her hard eyes landing on the couple in front of her.
"We were hopping to talk to Jimin and see what we did wrong, and what we can do to fix what we had." Namjoo's hand shook as she laid them on the table. "And then we were going to confess to her, and tell her that we loved her and wanted her to join us. If she rejected us, then we would have left peacefully and went back home. And we wouldn't have bothered her again."
"Well, for the time being, I will call Jimin and tell her the predicament that you two are in. In the meantime, you both can sleep in Jimin's room since Wheein is sleeping in the guest room." Maejin smiled kindly, patting the two girls on their hands, standing up and walking out of the kitchen. Leaving Namjoo and Seojin in the room with Wheein, who was staring at them with an unreadable expression on her face.
What is her problem with us...?

Jimin groaned in the palms of her hands, her legs shaking. Snowcone was laying by her feet, whining quietly while staring up at Jimin. Both Cookie and Cream were peacefully sleeping in their cat tree while Jimin silently panicked in front of them. And then, there was a knock on her door, and Jimin weakly replied,
"Come in...." the door opened to show Jihyo, who faintly smelled of alcohol. "Oh hey Jiji..."
"Hey Jiminie..." the younger smiled reassuringly, walking inside and closing the door behind her. "Tae and Hosook left to continue back at Tae's apartment. How do you feel?" the blonde sat next to the black haired elder, who sighed deeply.
"Other than getting traumatized from Hosook and Tae, not too good. I was hoping for Jin unnie and Joo unnie to be here so we can talk..." Jimin replied, running a hand through her short raven black hair. "I hate how I left things with them and I want to fix that. And also maybe confess to them and tell them how I feel."
"Jiminie I'm so proud of you!" Jihyo squealed, hugging the smaller. "But aren't they-"
"-In Busan. Yes they are. That's why I need to hurry up and get a ride back to Busan so I can save them from my family. And possibly Wheein unnie."
"That's her name!"
"Your ex! she there at your house??"
"Yea why? She was over there a lot when we would date, and my parents love her. She's a good friend now; our break-up wasn't bad at all..."
"Well....Hosook gave Namjoo and Jin the address to your house. Where your ex it? Jimin do you know how bad that sounds???"
"........Shit. I really need to save those two...! Jihyo hand me my phone!!" Jimin hissed, and the younger quickly grabbed the older's phone, and Jimin dialed her mother's number. "Eomma?! Are-"
"-Hello Jiminie. Yes, Namjoo and Seojin are here, and they are in the kitchen with Wheein. I actually came out here to call you baby."
"I know Eomma, I'll be back out there as soon as I wake up. I love you! And tell Appa I love him too." Jimin hung up the phone, and she sighed.
"How will you get there unnie? Another Uber?" Jihyo asked, and the black haired woman shrugged. "Because I can drive you there with the car my sugar daddy bought me. And we can make a little road trip out of it! What do you say?"
"Sure I don't mind."
"It's a date then my dear Jiminie!"

Night soon overcame Busan, and Jin and Namjoo were brought into Jimin's childhood room, which she usually shared with her sister. Who was currently at her friend's house.
"It's so quiet here..." Namjoo whispered, Seojin nodded with a tired smile. The couple was freshly bathed and into some clothes for the night, ready for bed. So the two crawled into the medium-sized bed, grunting at the small size.
"Jimin used to be one small teenager...." Jin snorted, and Namjoo giggled.
"She's still so small....~"
"Perfect to be in our arms..."
"I miss her unnie..."
"I do too Joo. But hopefully Mrs. Park will call Jimin."
" too. But goodnight unnie; I love you."
"I love you too."

and here is the last update for today :) happy holidays to all🥰🥰i hope all of your celebrated wonderfully today and ill see you guys for the last update tomorrow, which is the pretty omega next door😋goodbye and have a good night or day!

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