Chapter Sixteen

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Quick note before the chapter:

'Make it Right' by DearPrudenceWithlove was removed by Wattpad so they've had to repost the story. Please go read, vote and comment!


Jungkook, so comfortable leaning against his Hobi hyung with their Kiki in his lap and his head resting on hers, fell asleep while the others continue to talk quietly. He awakens half an hour later feeling his hyung gently playing with his hair, whispering in his ear to wake up. He lifts his head off of Kiki's and realizes she fell asleep on his lap. His face lights up in happiness, but he blushes when he sees all of his hyungs and Violet staring at them. JK buries his head back into Kiki's hair to hide his red face.

"Aww, don't be shy Kookie! I think we're all a bit jealous that you two have been cuddling the whole time," Jin pauses, "well, all of us except Violet!"

They laugh quietly, conscious of the still sleeping Kimura.

"You're right about that. I cuddle that idiot all the time! And you're awesome, Jungkook, but I'd rather be resting my head on a nice bouncy chest. Yours seems too muscly and manly," she says with a fake shudder.

"You're not wrong, Vi," Kiki says, scaring the group, "his chest is very muscly indeed," she nuzzles her head into his chest before realizing what she was doing. She raises her head quickly, narrowly avoiding bashing JK's chin with her head, then avoiding looking at anyone because of her embarrassment at rubbing her face all over Jungkook's chest in her half asleep state.

"I'm so sorry, Kookie! I was still half asleep, I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable," Kiki looks at him shyly from under her lashes.

He leans in to whisper so quietly that only she hears him say, "it's okay noona, as long I get to return the gesture sometime," he watches her blush deepen with a smug smile on his face.

She playfully smacks the back of his head before promptly hiding her blush in his neck. Jungkook kisses the top of her head and hugs her tightly. He usually isn't one to crave a lot of physical contact, but he felt like he's been missing Kiki for years and having her pressed against him made him sigh in relief.

JK loves his hyungs with everything in him and now he loves Kiki just as much. He doesn't mind that he only met her yesterday, her aura called to him, to all of them, and made it impossible for them not to immediately love her.

His heart aches thinking of all the trauma she's had to endure. No one should have to experience pain and suffering like Kiki had. It's unfair and he makes a promise to himself that he'll make sure she knows how special she is to him and his hyungs for the the rest of their lives. She deserves all the happiness in the world and they're going to make sure nothing gets in the way of her happiness.

Lost in his feelings, he didn't notice how hard he started squeezing his noona until she squirms in his lap and asks if he's okay. He presses her head back into the crook of his neck and whispers, "I love you, noona. And I think you deserve the whole world."

Jungkook shivers, enjoying the feeling of Kiki's lips pressing tentatively to his neck.

"I love you too, Jungkook. You're the one that deserves the world, bunny. I used to watch a lot of fan cams when I was feeling down and the ones where you're on stage, ARMY bombs sparkling in your eyes looking like a galaxy...those always made me so happy. I could see how amazed you get seeing all of your fans and I hope you know that you deserve all the happiness in your life and more," she says quietly.

JK turns his head to Hobi hyung when he hears him sniffling. His hyung must have heard their conversation, so he pulls Hobi into his embrace with Kiki as they all sniffle, trying not to cry happy tears.

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