Chapter 35

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After a night of peacefully sleeping in Namjoon's arms, I wake up to find him working quietly at his desk.

"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and sitting up.

"It's 9:45. I need to go to the company soon, but I didn't want you to wake up alone here," he leaves his desk and joins me on his bed. He smiles, trying to tame my messy hair for me. "Yoongi-hyung left a note for you," he tells me, going back to his desk to grab the note and bring it to me.

"Thanks," I say, pulling him back to sit beside me before opening the note.

Little one,
I hope you slept well. Jin-hyung made breakfast, make sure you and Joon both eat before you come to the company.
I'm very much looking forward to our date this afternoon. Wear something comfortable, no need to get fancy, okay?
See you soon.
Love, your Yoongles

I grin seeing that he signed the note as 'your Yoongles'.

"You didn't eat with the others?" I ask Joon, folding the note and setting it on his nightstand.

"No, you had a death grip on me until about an hour ago," he chuckles.

"Oh," I blush, "sorry."

"I'm not complaining, angel," Namjoon pulls me onto his lap, stuffing his face in my hair. "I slept really well. You were right, I got lots of work done in the hour since you let me out of your death grip."

I pull my head away from his so I can look up at him. "I'm glad, Joonie. Now we should go eat breakfast so you can keep having a productive day," I lean up to kiss his cheek and we make our way to the kitchen.

We quickly eat the breakfast Jin left for us on the counter before Namjoon leaves me to get ready for my date with Yoongi.

I take what Yoongi said to heart and dress very comfortably in black leggings, a white t-shirt I stole from his closet, a black jacket, and a black hat with my hair in a pony tail. The only makeup I opt for is mascara and a lightly tinted lip balm. When I'm done getting ready, I find Namjoon in the living room putting a stack of papers and his laptop into his backpack. He looks up at me and laughs as I gather my phone, wallet, and keys.


"Did Yoongi-hyung pick that outfit for you?" He asks.

"No, but I did steal this shirt from his closet," I shrug and smile, tying it loosely so the hem is around my waist, not my knees, before putting my jacket on.

"Well, he definitely won't mind. You look cute," Joon stands, grabbing his bag and walking to the door where we put our shoes on. We walk out to my car and I let him put some music on while I start driving.

"Have you planned what you want to do for our date yet?" I ask over the quiet music.

"Not yet," he replies.

"Am I allowed to make a request?"

"Of course," he laughs.

"I just really, really, would enjoy going 'Namjooning' with you. I don't want you to plan something you don't want to do because you think I'd enjoy it. I just want to spend time with you and do the things that you like to do. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I will enjoying doing the things I already know you enjoy doing?" I rant and nervously chuckle.

"Ahh, 'Namjooning'," he laughs  "first of all, do you really think I'd plan a date that I wouldn't also enjoy?"

"" I say uncertainly and he laughs again.

"I wouldn't. Second, do you have any specific activity you want to do?"

"Maybe hiking or something? I miss nature and the calmness of not being in a huge city," I suggest.

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