Chapter 27: Ocean Blue

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The next two weeks flew by for Juliana and Valentina. They were able to text everyday again, sneaking around and throwing each other winks during class with Sav's constant teasing. For the most part they were enjoying themselves and their relationship, but Juliana was getting busy with finals and Val was creating a modeling schedule for herself for after the semester ended.

Val had already begun planning her family dinner where she would introduce Juliana as her girlfriend for the next week after finals were over. Although the rest of her family already knew, they were very good at keeping it on the downlow so that Leon wouldn't find out.

Juliana had finally finished her full design peace for Val's class and she was thrilled about it. Her and Savannah had met up twice a week to work together on campus and when they both finally finished they were so excited to show each other and were both so proud of themselves and the other.

Juliana, using her all blue color scheme, had made Valentina a unique blue dress that had a tight skin dark blue low cut inside that cut off mid thigh, with a light blue sheer outside that covered her arms and flowed past her knees. The sheer was designed with beautiful blue hawainn flowers. Juliana was absolutely thrilled with the outcome and couldn't wait to see it on Val.

And that day had finally come. Juliana was with Savannah grabbing their coffees on the way to Val's class.

"I'm a little nervous for today. I hope one of us wins," Savannah told Juls as they walked through the building to their classroom.

"Me too. I'm definitely voting for you since we can't vote for ourselves." Juliana said. The class was voting on the outfits they thought were best, and whoever got the most votes was who got to display their work in the fashion show with Val, of course being their model.

Savannah laughed at Juliana's comment, "yeah but you'd vote for yourself if you could!"

"Well duh!" Juliana laughed back.

"Don't worry Juli, I'm voting for you too," she said as they sat in their seats.

Just as Juliana looked up, Val strutted in looking beautiful as always. It was their last week of classes but Savannah couldn't help making fun of Juls while she still could, closing her jaw for her as she stared at her girlfriend. "Seriously, Juli it's the same every time, you're always drooling over her. It's so obvious!"

Juliana lightly slapped Savannah's arm, "shut up, Sav you didn't notice before you knew."

"Oh I definitely suspected you had a crush on her."

Juliana just rolled her eyes and looked back down towards Val who was sweetly smiling up at her. She could tell Juliana was being made fun of by the slight blush on her cheeks that Val found so adorable. She couldn't wait for the week to be over so she could tell everyone that Juliana was her girlfriend.

"Okay, everybody. As you all know, this is our last week together. Today I will be putting on everyone's design, modeling them for the class in which you will all vote on your top 3 favorite designs. And remember, no voting for your own. Any questions?"

The class was silent.

"Okay then, I am placing your voting sheets here, everyone please come down, place your designs here, grab your voting sheet and head back to your seat. Don't forget to put your name and the name of your design on top of the clothing so I can announce it to the class when I come out to display it. A picture will be taken of each one, and all will be displayed with the name again at the end of class so you can all see them again for voting."

The class started going down before Val finished talking and after 5 clustered minutes, everyone was back at their seats.

"Okay, I'll start from the top, thank you all for your patience as we go through each design today."

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