Kirby Right Back At Ya!

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Lupin's eyebrows raised at your answer. "Oh. Okay! Off we go!" Lupin said before marching off, you and and Emory following. Lupin turned a corner and opened a dark blue colored door, above the door it spelled 'Kirby Right Back at Ya Oc's' 

"Be careful, there are only two Original Characters in here but boy are they lethal. They can get pretty mean when you interrupt someone." Lupin said, hopping over something. Emory lifted you with ease and placed you on the otherside of something??

Emory pointed to something, you had to crouch to see it, a practically invisible line. You ask where it leads to. Emory pointed up, making you look up. Boulders. That's all you could see on the ceiling Boulders ontop on another in another of sorts.

Lupin followed Emory's pointing and said "told you." As she caught sight of the Boulders. "Wonder where they are... Hey! We have visitors!" Lupin called out to the vacant hallway, only to heard a creek of the door.

A Jester looking person walked out of a blue door with a dark blue Jester hat with purple stars. A dark blue body suit with a purple tutu. "Hey..." they said sleepily.

"Oh great Deisy! Hi! Meet the new person, [Y/N]! I think they wanna see the boss, but we're getting them acquainted with everyone!" Lupin told, taking your shoulder and placing you infront to... show you off...?

Deisy rubbed her eyes and smiled at you. "Nice to meet you, my partner, Akuji, loves new people." Deisy said, sticking her hand out for you to shake. You wearily stepped up and shook their hand.

Deisy nodded her head slightly before a voice interrupted the interaction. "I'm ready!" A hyped voice said as the door beside the one Deisy came out of opened, revealing another Jester like creature.

Her red and purple hat were sprinkled with multicolored pokidots, along with her violet body suit and her red thigh highs.

The Jester took off her red and purple split mask and looked over to you. "Ohh! New person!" The new Jester raced up to you and took your hand, shaking it vigorously with a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Akuji, what's you name? What are you even doing here? Are you here to visit? Or are you gonna talk with Bumble Bee?" The Jester, Akuji, bombarded you with questions, her smile getting brighter and brighter.

"Okay, wow, no need to be like that, their name is Y/n. Their here because of a book. They here to see the boss, I think." Emory answered for you, Akuji gave the demon a side eye and said, "Oh shush, your not even a Fandom creation." To which Emory took major offense to as seen as she scoffed at Akuji's statement.

"Well, I'd rather be made for original content rather then a dead Fandom!" Emory gave Akuji a meaner side eye. Akuji only laughed.

"I'm just joking! You original creations are so sensitive." Akuji said before looking back at you. "Y/n was it? It's a pleasure to meet you but we best be going." Akuji pulled back from you, making you rub your hand. Akuji walked over to Deisy and wrapped her arm around hers.

"Oh? Where are you going at this time? Your story isn't getting an update soon." Lupin commented with curiosity. Akuji looked at her with a forced pissed off smile.

You could have sworn Akuji had muttered a "I'm gonna fucking chock you

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You could have sworn Akuji had muttered a "I'm gonna fucking chock you." But immediately shrugged it off as Deisy started to talk.

"We actually have a busy day today, we're going to talk with the boss, and then we're gonna shoot some love songs, because we can, and then we're gonna welcome some new oc's and then talk with the drafters, and I think that's our full schedule. Is that all, Akuji?" Deisy looked over to the Jester who looked back at her, her face no longer ridiculously scrunched up.

"We're gonna talk to the drafters." Akuji said, Deisy shook her head whilst laughing and repeated her phrase. "Well we best be going, Bumble Bee ain't got any time to spare waitin for us!" Akuji took Deisy hand and pulled her along, closing the door behind them.

There was silence that hung in the air. Until Lupin cleared her throat. "Well, that was short lived. However we won't let that put a damper on our parade!" Lupin said determinedly, pumping her fist in the air.

"You mean you won't let it rain on your parade." Emory said, raising an eyebrow. "Yes... I am trying to sound more... hip, like the kids say, is it working?" Emory gave Lupin a long hard stare before answering her. "Yeah, sure you're doing great." Lupin's eyes sparkled and she pumped her fist happily. "Perfect!"

"Since we couldn't sit around and talk with this fandoms oc's we will pass the time by showing you all the things that we pass the time with. Onward my friends!" Lupin said, leading the way out of the room.

[Tips and hints: don't be shy to comment! This is a choose your own adventure type book, you're supposed to comment!!]

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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