Chapter 1 ~ Mira Tooru

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Tooru's POV:

When I was just a small boy, my parents were slaughtered by the ruthless people of δυνατός.

I was found in the woods by an old woman's cottage and when she found me, she was more than happy to take me into her home with open arms.

The woman soon became my 'mother' and taught me everything I need to know to become a fine young man.

My mother, has told me time and time again that she needs me to stay young, so she never lets me leave the house.

My mother, is a witch.

Most people would be frightened by having a mother as a witch, but for me, I think it's a dream come true.

She can teach me whatever she would like, get me whatever I need or want, and all she asks of me is to stay home and never see the outside world.

Which I obey with my whole heart. Mother has told me stories of the outside world, she told me people died, cried and screamed and there were more children like me. Who's family was all taken from them by the δυνατός people.

So even if she forced me to go outside I would stay right by the door begging to be let back in.

I loved my mother with my whole heart and if something were to happen to her, I would fight the whole world in order to bring her safety.

I spend most of my time reading the books mother gives me, for mother is out, in the dangerous world all the time.

But she always comes back every two days to visit me and bring me books, clothes and food.

But today is an odd day. It is the second day mother is gone and she has not come to visit.

So I sit and wait for hours and hours waiting for something, anything to show up. And soon, my wish is granted.

At about 9:47 p.m. a knock on the door fills the house, I drop my book and run up to the door and swing it open.

But who's outside is not mother, but a tall man with brown hair and hazel eyes to match.

He wears a normal outfit from what I have read about, except a golden chain that goes across his neck.

"Excuse me, are you Miss. Mira?" Asks the man with a small smile.

I cock my head to the side before seeing my reflection in the mirror by the door. I look more like my mother than she does herself.

I look more feminine than I originally believed.

So I look at him and slowly nod my head.

"I see, well then Miss. Mira, I am Daichi. I am here to collect your payment to the prince." Says Daichi.

"Oh well you see I'm her daughter. So I dont know what payment your talking about." I say shyly trying to make my voice sound more feminine.

"Huh, I see. My apologizes, is your mother home?" 

"Oh, no she is not, I'm actually getting quite worried about her." I say slightly peering out the door to see if she is there. But, to my dismay, she was not but a carriage with two men who were dressed slightly similar to Daichi.

"Then ma'am your going to need to come with me." He said, his voice turning stern all of a sudden.

"W-what? Why?" I say with fear flowing through my body and rising up to my head and filling my voice.

"We need the payment. And if your mother is not here, you will come to pay her debt." He says as he wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me outside.

I squeeze my eyes shut and feel the fear flow into my arms, making them fall to my side and I feel the fear make its way down to my legs.

Right as my legs go limp, I feel the kind warming hands of my mother. 

Then all the fear is blown away like sand on a hardwood floor.

I heard her yelling something then Daichi apologized and left with the other two men.

"Tooru, are you alright dear?!?!" Mother says, the anger visible in her voice.

"Y-Yes mother." I say trying to calm down, but nothing is working. Not even mothers touch helps.

"Oh Tooru, I'm so so so sorry for making you worry about me." She says, reading my mind like a book. One thing that comes with being a witch.

"Now lets go inside, and lets give you a hair cut. Now that those boys said something, you do look very much like a girl." She says as she lifts me up and walks me inside.

Once we get inside, I open my eyes and with one swish of mothers hand, my hair is down to the length of a 'normal' males, my features look more masculine and my voice is a bit deeper.

"Thank you mother." I say, with joy bursting through my body.

"Of course my dear Tooru." She says as she plants a small kiss on my forehead.

"How was your trip mother?" I ask as she sits down at the table and I go to prepare the food she brought me.

"Oh Tooru, it was magnificent! I saw so many things! There were mermaids and mermen! I even got to make friends with a clam! It was a talking clam, but it was still a wonderful adventure!" She says, happiness pouring out with each word.

"Maybe one day I could join you." I say happily.

But instead of what I thought mother would do, she stands up and rushes over towards me, anger and fear visible in her eyes and face.

"Dont you ever say that Tooru! Never never never! The world is dangerous! I only go out because I am needed and I can protect myself! But you, are not and cannot! Do you understand!?!" She says with tears on the brim of her eyes.

"Yes mother, I'm sorry for even thinking about that. It was wrong of me to even imagine going out into the world, especially after what happened today." I say, but only to make mother feel better.

After todays experience, I want to go into the world. I was terrified, but somehow, it made me feel joy.

So mother said I cant protect myself. 

That just means, if I want to go into the outside world, I have to learn to protect myself.

I will learn.

"Dinner is ready mother." I say as I place mothers bowl of brother and noodles on the table.

"Itadakimasu" We both say, as we begin eating the food mother brought from her latest adventure.




A/n: HEY HEY HEY! Hello my lovelies, so this was actually supposed to be a SakuAtsu one shot, but I realized  I'm already making one. So I deiced to make this a IwaOi AU. If you guys have any questions about anything make sure to ask! 

Oh and please remember to vote! I told my brother that this would be my best piece of writing yet and I want to prove it to him!

Have a great day and remember;





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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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