4 - Dummie

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"What if we got married?"

It had been 6 weeks since the conversation with Mr Walters in his office, but something about it was stuck in Mar's head and she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Nat was lying beside her in bed with a book propped open on her body, her chin tucked down to read it over her chest. She turned her head to look in Mar's direction with an amused smile at the question, but it quickly faded to confusion when she saw that Mar wasn't joking. Natasha dropped the book down on her stomach.

"Married?" Mar's face was tilted towards the ceiling, her jaw noticeably tense with nerves. She shook her head quickly and smiled in embarrassment, bringing a hand to her forehead.

"I don't know, Mr Walters said something about - oh my god ignore me. I'm obviously sleep deprived." She tried to turn on her side away from Natasha to hide her face, but Nat grabbed her arm gently to keep her still, then gently gestured for her to turn towards her. They lay on their sides facing each other, Mar's face uncertain and Nat's thoughtful.

"What did he say?" Mar shook her head, embarrassed again and a little worried that she was going to scare her.

"He was just talking about how if you love someone, what's the wait? And it got me thinking - and you know how I over think - and then suddenly I was asking you. I don't...I don't know it was just a thought. I mean...do you? Ever wanna get married I mean? Not to me or anything. I mean not not to me but like, in general? Or like -" Before she could continue her nervous speech, Nat leaned forward and kissed her into silence. When she pulled away, Mar caught her breath and sighed. "Thank you" She whispered, both of them knowing if Nat hadn't stopped her, she never would've stopped talking.

Nat nodded with a soft smile, readjusting her pillow and letting the book fall to the floor with a soft thud, lost in thought once again.

"Well I...I've never really thought about marriage before." She confided softly, her eyes lost far off somewhere that Mar couldn't see, and there was a sadness there that Mar had seen many times before. She reached forward and placed a comforting hand on Nat's waist, to which Nat smiled and leaned in for another kiss. "I don't know. I'd have to think about it but I..." Mar waited patiently, watching Nat squirm nervously, looking a little embarrassed by the vulnerability of which she was speaking, "I wouldn't be opposed to the idea...if it was with you." Mar's face lit up instantly and she rolled onto her back, hands to her chest with a loud:

"Awwwwwww!" Eyes tightly shut as she squealed at the answer. Natasha pulled the pillow from under her own head and propped herself up on her elbow to hit Mar over and over on the stomach with it.

"Stop! You're the one who just asked me to marry you!" Mar, who was in a fit of laughter, caught Natasha off guard when she rolled over on top of her and started pressing kisses to her neck and face, clumsily straddling her hips and smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"Yeah but baby, you just said you wouldn't mind the idea of marriage if it was with me! Oh god, that's the cutest fucking thing I've ever heard - take this off." Her adoring fawning paused for only a moment when she sat up slightly and tugged at the shirt Nat was wearing to bed. She looked down in question, then back up at Mar's suddenly hungry eyes and swallowed unintentionally. "Seriously baby, take this off." Nat's shock turned into a wide smile  and she sat up slowly, taking Mar with her and causing her to slide further down her lap so they were sitting face to face. Nat tilted her head to the side teasingly, her bottom lip gently brushing against Mar's, eyes only focused on her mouth.

"Why? What are you planning to do with me?" Mar let out a breathy laugh, reaching for Nat's hips and bundling the shirt in her fists, deciding to get rid of it herself.

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