Jealousy (SMUT!!)

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HEY! HEY! HEY! MY ONIGIRI'S!!! Im backkkk!!!! Heh this was requested by FReddaway

SOo yeah!! Thanks for the request!!

Warning!!:Smut,praise kink,feminization

Third person POV

At suna's house.Sakusa decided to visit suna and atsumu since atsumu usually stays at suna's and plus he's classes got canceled due to festival gone wrong so he had a 1 week break.

When he got to suna's he was greeted by atsumu giving him a hug while suna was chuckling "Woah Woah calm down there honey"Sakusa said while going inside and closing the door so atsumu broke the hug.

"Sorry! I just missed you so much omi omi!!"
Atsumu said "Me too honey thats the reason i came here" sakusa said "And i also missed suna too ofcourse" sakusa said "phew thought ya'll forgot about me being your boyfriend"Suna said "Nuuuuuu!!! We didnt rinrin!!!" Atsumu said hugging suna

After them greeting and eating

Suna had homework from he's class so he decided to do it to pass the time while sakusa was on suna's bed scrolling through twitter then atsumu wanted to sit on suna's lap but.. "tsumu not now" Suna said carefully pushing atsumu off

Atsumu pouted so then he went to sakusa trying to snuggle in sakusa's chest "Honey hang on please im chatting motoya later okay?" Sakusa said atsumu then was angry and sad at the same time he went downstairs at the kitchen he pulls out he's phone and clicked on oikawa's icon and called him.

"Tsumubabe!!!" Oikawa yelled through the call "Kawababe!" Atsumu giggled "Soooo hows sakusa's visit~?" Oikawa said "I guess its good..." Atsumu said but oikawa knew something was up since atsumu would rumble about it.

"Okay tell me the truth i know something is up" Oikawa said "How'd you kno-" Atsumu cut off "DUH i've been your bestfriend tsumu you would usually ramble about it and stuff" Oikawa said with no regret

Atsumu just pouted and was about to say he's problem until oikawa interrupted "Iwa-chan! How's your hang out with matsukawa?" Oikawa said "It was fine who are you talking to?" Iwaizumi said while wrapping he's arms around oikawa's waist from behind "Oh! Its just tsumu!" Oikawa responed "Hmm....alright but be quick i wanna cuddle..." Iwaizumi said and gave oikawa a peck on the cheek and went to ther room.

"Hey sorry tsumu for interrupting you! Cause it looks like iwa-chan is on one of he's clingy side heh" Oikawa said "No No its okay!" Atsumu replied "Anygay! Whats your problem again?" Oikawa brought up the topic again "Well....RinRin nor omi are not giving me attention..." Atsumu said.

Oikawa then hummed thinking of something quickly since he doesnt want iwaizumi to gt disappointed for not cuddling with him then an idea popped up in he's head "Why not make them jealous?" Oikawa said.

"What?" Atsumu responed "Why not make them jealous just ask someone for help and make them jealous!" Oikawa said being proud of himslef "Hm.." Atsumu was thinking about it "Oh my gosh! Great idea!!" Atsumu said.

"Alrighty my job here is done now i gotta go before iwa-chan gets moody" Oikawa said "Alright! Thanks again kawa!!" Atsumu said "No prob tsumu!!" They said goodbye to eachother and oikawa ended the call.

Atsumu then already know who to ask for help KAGEYAMA!!! Normally atsumu would ask kita but he remembered how aran can get aggressive of kita so he called hinata first for permission to borrow he's man ofcourse atsumu explained why he needed to borrow kageyama.

Ofcourse hinata agreed to help atsumu then he explained the plan and where theyre gonna meet up after that he went back to the bedroom suna still doing homework and sakusa watching netflix in suna's tv.

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