Part. 1

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Y/n pov

I came out bathroom, after doing my night skin
routine, wearing my night outfit


-  I didn't notice someone was there in my roomcause i remember i locked the door, so thatpervert Jungkook wont come in  -

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- I didn't notice someone was there in my room
cause i remember i locked the door, so that
pervert Jungkook wont come in -

Jungkook is Jeongguk's twin brother...

Jungkook is Jeongguk's twin brother

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JeonGguk is my boyfriend, a.k.a
soon to be husband, he is a business man,
he went to a business trip to seoul, and being a overprotective husband, he left me
with a trouble, my worst nightmare Jungkook...

a soon to be husband, he is a business man,he went to a business trip to seoul, and being a overprotective husband, he left me with a trouble, my worst nightmare Jungkook

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Jungkook is a mafia gang leader, who always
likes to assault me, when jeonGguk is
not there...

JeonGguk has no idea about Jungkook,
when ever i tried to say something about him,
Jungkook popps up out of no where

One day he almost kill JeonGguk, when i tried to
tell jeon about jungkook, He pushed Jeon off the
stairs, he injured him arm and was admitted in hospital

- i was putting my lotion while thinking about Jeon,
how is he doing, has he eaten yet, and etc. -

I froze at my spot when i heard a raspy voice behind me,

Jungkook : Need Help Babygirl ? Mmh ?- he said with a husky voice, with unbuttoned shirt smirking -

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Jungkook : Need Help Babygirl ? Mmh ?
- he said with a husky voice, with unbuttoned shirt
smirking -

- My heart beat stop, i was breathing heavily as
fear took over, my eyes wide open -

- i was about to around, before i could turn around,
he grab my arm harashly and backhugged me -

- he buried his face in my neck, sniffing my scent and
smile like a pyscho, while tears started flow down my soft
cheeks -

Y/n : H-How d-did-
- i slutter due to crying hard, but he cut me off-

Jungkook : How did i get inn? mmh?
- he said mocking -
Babygirl did you forget your in my house ?

Jungkook : And everything inside this house
belongs to me, including you babygirl
- he said while putting wet butterfly kisses on my neck -

Y/n : I dont belong to you ! i belong to JeonGguk !
I love hi-
- i raised my voice at him but he didnt let me complete -

- he pushed me down at the floor harasly, he bend
down at my level, but i crawled backwards but soon
stopped as my back hit the bed edge -

- he grab my fist full of hair and grab my
jaw harasly and spoke gritting his teeth -

Jungkook : say that again and i swear im gonna
kill him front of you with my hands
- i gulp in fear, i always hated seeing jeonGguk hurt -

Y/n : N- no p- plz dont h- hurt-
- before i could complete, he smashed lips on me -

- i struggled to break free, i placed my hand on his chest,
shaking my head, he broke the kiss while, i was breathing
heavily -

- our lips were inces apart, he wishpered with
his raspy voice -
Jungkook : Then dont disappoint me, let me have you

- my eyes wide open, before i could proceed, he lifted
me up and threw me at bed -

- i realised what gonna happen next so i pushed
him hard making him fall other side of bed, and i -

- i realised what gonna happen next so i pushed
him hard making him fall other side of bed, and i -

i got up and tried to run to the door, asap
( as soon as possible ), but he was fast to pull me
back, and pin me against the bed -

- making me gasp, he hovered above me -
Y/n : D-dont do this, please l-let me go
- i begged him -

Jungkook : You're mine love you belong to me,
i wont let you go......never
- he said while sniffing and giving wet kisses -

Y/n : I'm not yours ! I'm JeonGguk's
- his clench his jaw, and slap me, i gasp in pain -

Jungkook : you belong to me babygirl, everything of you
belongs to me...ONLY ME !
- with that he kissed me rough and forcefully -

- soon he started licking my lip, for entrance but
i keep it shut, making him angry, he groan
and bit my lips making it bleed, makin me scream in pain -

- he took a chance to insert his tongue and explore
every inch of my mouth, his other hand
moved down towards my thigh, caressing it -

Y/n : N-no
- i said when i felt his cold hands going inside
my pants, pulling it down -

- He growled making me flinch, when his phone rang,
he took out the phone where he
kept near by, sitting beside me -

- i took a chance to sit up and pull up my pants,
While Jungkook groan in anger and looked at me
who was hugging her knees and crying -

Jungkook : Looks like your lover boy, loves to distrub
our precious moment
- he said gritting his teeth -

Jungkook : If you dare to speak up or make a noise...
you know what will happen next
- he went to y/n covered her mouth with one hand -

- while other hand holding his phone, he cleared his
throat before picking up the call -

Otp :-

Jungkook : Oh ! Hello Gguk
- he said amused -

JeonGguk : Oh Hyung! Do you know where y/n is?
I called her More then 10 times, she isnt picking it up..
- he said worriedly, while jungkook clench his jaw in
anger, when jeongguk mentioned about y/n -

Jungkook : Oh! is it?
- he asked with a fake confused tone,
while glaring at y/n -

Jungkook : Oh I dont know maybe she is sleeping...
im not home, im at office...
- he said caressing y/n cheeks, send shiver down
her spine -

Jungkook : I'll call you when i reach home
- JeonGguk mummed in response, before hunging up -

Jungkook : So how about we continue...what we left out?
- he said caressing her cheeks -

To be continued......
A/n : i posted in youtube but YouTube removed it 🤡🔪

His Obbessed Twin || Jungkook FF 18+ Where stories live. Discover now