Part 3

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- but then what i saw front of me panick -

- Aunty was on the ground, holding her belly,
groaning in pain, i dropped the plastic bags,
and rushed to her -

Y/n : A-aunty ? a- are you okay? w-what hap-happened
- i said while sobbing lightly -

Aunty : Y-y/n r- run ! g-go!
- she said sobbing, i was confused why she said that,
i was about to ask when -

??? : Missed me babygirl ?
- raspy voice -

- i froze on my spot, my mind went blank,i was shaking in fear, i didn't dare to look back,my breathe stopped -

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- i froze on my spot, my mind went blank,
i was shaking in fear, i didn't dare to look back,
my breathe stopped -

- that voice......J-jungkook? -

- before i could proceed, i was pulled up by my hair,
i scream in pain -

Jungkook : Didn't i say not to do something i hate ?
- he wishpered sticking his lips on my ears -

Jungkook : now see an innocent die because of you
- husky yet angry voice -

Y/n : Please dont do- ahhhhh
- he bite my ear, making me scream  -

Jungkook : shhh baby, enjoy the show
- i shake my head as noo -

Auntie : Ahhhhhhhhhhh !
- she screamed as one of jungkooks guard kicked
her baby bump harasly -

- i tried to run to aunt to help her but jungkook tighten
his hold on my hair, pulled me towards him,
i landed on his chest -

I was helpless, i could hear aunties painful screams
Y/n : J-Jung-kook Do-dont do t-this p-plz
l-let her g-go, s-she i-is pr- pregnant
- i begged him -

Jungkook : why tho?

Y/n : Jungkook let her go, i will do whatever you want
just let her goo please jungkook !
- jungkook smirked -

Jungkook : thats exactly what i wanted to hear,
lets go - he said as he singled something to his guards -

- he dragged me out of there pushed me inside his car,
when i heard gunshots -

i looked at jungkook, who was already looking at me
Y/n : Why- why are you sooo cruel ?!
- i shouted while tears flow down nonstop -

Jungkook : she deserves it, she came between us
- he shouted back making me flinch while shaking badly -

y/n : no! you came between me and gguk
- she shouted at him trying to show him, she's strong -

- but soon vanished away as he pushed her, and
hovered above her and held her jaw harasly, and spoke -

Jungkook : you-
- suddenly his phone rang, he looked at me before
picking up the call -

Jungkook : why him again, shh babygirl
- he said putting his index finger on her lips -

Otp :-

Jungkook : Nee hyung ( yes, bro )
- he said trying to calm himself -

JeonGguk : Yah ! what's wrong with y/n?
did i do something wrong? i called her but she isnt
picking up sinces last to last night !

Jungkook : - chuckles -
she is just upset you left her alone
- he said while caressing her lips -

Y/n mind : no no no!!!! this cant be happening....
i need to tell about this before something wrong happens

with that she scream, jungkook gaze turned into
dark one

Y/n : Babe help me ! Jungkook killed a pregnant women
who helped me when he tried to rape- mmm  ! mmmh !!

- she couldn't complete her sentence as jungkook,
Covered her mouth preventing her to speak more,
Jeongguk gasped from the other side of the phone -

otp :-
- jungkook hung up -

Jungkook : you've made big mistake babygirl

Driver : boss we are here..
- jungkook smirked -

J.JG pov


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- jk hung up -

JeonGguk : JUNGKOOK !!! JUNGKOOK !!!
-  i sighed, when running my fingers through my hair
in flustration -

- i looked at my watch and looked at the traffic jam,
1 hours more left to reach busan damn it -

- i cursed my self for believing in jk and leaving y/n
with him-

- I got off my car, and running towards the nearest
bus stop -

Y/n pov

- i keep on hitting his back, as he was carrying me on his
shoulders, he throw me on the couch and hovered
above me -

he trapped me under him and pressed his
body against mine

Jungkook : You look hot in that outfit, look what you
made my friend do - he said as he pressed his huge hard
dick between my thighs

Jungkook : You how long he has been waiting for this?
- i started panick i kept hitting his chest -

he pinned my hands above my head and smashed his
lips on mine, kissing me harasly, not letting me breathe

He bit my lip harasly making me bleed, i gasp, but he
didnt let go, he started suck the place he bit

soon he started sucking and biting my jawline, my
neck roughly, leaving a hickey behind, he sucked my
weak spot, which made me moan

i felt him smirk on my skin while sucking it, he looked up
at me and said

Jungkook : damn- that was wild baby, i cant hold it
any more, shhh baby dont cry
- he said caressing my belly -

Jungkook : since the day i meet you i always wanted to
have you, i wanted you to be mine, only mine
and now finally - he said while unbuttoning his shirt -

- i took a chance, and push him hard making him fall
on the ground, i sat up and ran upstairs -

I ran upstairs, i enter the nearest room and locked it
and dropped myself on the cold floor, trying to
calm myself tried to calm my self

- jungkook was outside the door banging on it harasly,
making me flinch every second -

Jungkook : Babe open the door, and if i break it wont
be good y/n !!
- he roar from the other side -

Jungkook : Y/n !!!!! open up !!!! 
- he said banging the door -

- there was a silence for few mins, y/n
sighed in relief but then -


( t-To be continued...😗✌🏻 I know i know it's short, I'll post next part soon ;)

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