Part 2

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Jungkook : So how about we continue...what we left out?
- he said caressing her cheeks -

- He was about to kiss me, when his phone rang again,
he rolled his eyes, and looked at phone screen and
sighed, and picked up -

Jungkook : what is it?
- sighs without moving his eyes from y/n -
Yes ! im coming in 5 minutes

- y/n somehow felt relieved, then she felt a pair of
fingers in her chin lifting her face up, her eyes
meet jungkooks dark obs, looking into her soul -

Jungkook : Babygirl, i gotta go now, but I'll be back soon,
Dont think to try anything i hate, or the consequences
wont be good at all - he said with his husky -

- he kissed y/n forehead, and left -

- after he left, y/n was still trembling in fear, she felt
disgust by him, his touchs, she balled herself on bed
covering herself with blanket -

While crying her heart out, she turned her hand into fist
suddenly she had flashes about JeonGguk and her,
how they met, there good memories, his overprotective
habits -

She had no one except him, yes y/n is an orphan,
her mom died giving birth, her dad left her in hospital,
because he thought she was his bad luck  -

JeonGguk always wanted her to be strong, she cried
more when remembered the day JeonGguk introduced
her to Jungkook -

Y/n : Gguk your y/n isnt strong at all
- she cried when she realised how much Gguk will be
heart broken, when he gets to know about this  -

J.JG pov

- i had a every bad feeling about y/n, she alwaysrecieves my calls but since she met jungkookshe changed alot, she barely smiled or talked with any1-

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- i had a every bad feeling about y/n, she always
recieves my calls but since she met jungkook
she changed alot, she barely smiled or talked with any1-

She always wanted to tell me something about kook
but something or the other came up..

Also when i was leaving that day i saw tears and beggs
in her eyes like she didnt want me to leave her alone,
but somehow i comforted her

- Leaving her with jungkook, wasn't a good idea i guess,
i mean he is a mafia, he slept with many girls but she is
his sister- in- law he wouldn't do anything wrong right?

Or would he ?

i dont wanna keep her with kook anymore
so i decided to complete my work asap and
leave for busan

Back to y/n pov

Y/n : N-no i wont let him (jungkook ) have me,
i wont let him break Gguks heart,
- wipes her tears -

Y/n : I- i- I'll run away !

- with that i stood up changed my clothes into this, and
moved out of the window...
without thinking twice-

- its been 1 hour i have been going here and there, when
i met a women,who told me stay at her home
tonight, untill JeonGguk comes -

She treated my like her child, she was pregnant single mom,
i told her about my situation, she told she will help
me, i was happy -

I was happy and relieved, that finally i can be free
but was also sad, cuz i left my phone at Jungkooks mansion,
i wanted to talk to Gguk so badly, but
i dont remember his new number -


- i stabbed this son of a bitch continuously, taking out my anger about JeonGguk, why is it him? why not me? y/n loves him?!! -

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- i stabbed this son of a bitch continuously,
taking out my anger about JeonGguk,
why is it him? why not me? y/n loves him?!! -

- i was enjoying the moment when the door opened,
and some guards came in, breathing heavily -

Guard : B- boss m-miss y-y/n - gulp --

Jungkook : what about her?
- he said with a deep voice -

Guard : Miss y-y/n ra- ran away ......



- he shot the man on his head, exploring his brain
blood spash out his clothes, ground and every Where -

Jungkook : How can you let a girl escaped
from my hell?!!! - he roar, making the poor guards shake out of fear -

Jungkook : GO FIND HER. RIGHT NOW!!!!!
- he shouted, the guards ran out in a blink of an eye -

Jungkook : Wrong move babygirl
- chuckles -

2 days later ~

- we came out to supermarket to buy snacks, i decided
to help her carry the packs -

- we completed our shopping and now going home
through taxi -

- we completed our shopping and now going homethrough taxi -

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Our outfit-

Time skip ~
at home ~

- Aunty went inside the before me, i followed in
a min later carrying the bags -

- but then what i saw front of me panick -

(A/n : i know it's short, I'll post part 3, three/four days later😉)

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