Chapter 2: We will Accept you

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~Natsu's POV~

"Lucy! Lucy wait!"

I tried getting Lucy to stop running out of the guild, but I was unsuccessful. On her way out she grabbed her personal belongings, that's when I started to go after her.

"Natsu! Please don't make us all suffer.. just let her go."

Lisanna grabbed my hand and then she tried to talk soft and sweetly to me. Does she really believe that because I used to date her, I'm going to listen to her.

"Let me go Lisanna. Lucy is part of our family now, so she is just as important as everyone else here."

I push her off of me, and I head out to find Lucy so I can explain everything to her and answer any questions that she may have.

{Downtown Magnolia}

I search all over the town of Magnolia for her, but I couldn't see her. I tried to get scent trail as well, but I still couldn't find her.

"Damn it. Where could she be? I hope that she's alright."

I started to hear people gossiping about a blonde celestial mage, and then I was able to pick up her scent. I followed her scent and it lead me to an open pathway in the forest.

"I wonder why she would travel into the forest alone, especially when her emotions are everywhere."

I started walking on the path into the forest to retrieve my friend and my new family member.

When I came across her I stopped in my tracks, she was sitting in a field of flowers, and she just looked so beautiful with the way the sun was hitting her skin.

"Uhm.. Lucy?"

She whipped her head back faster than lightning, and when she did, she looked like she was crying.

"Lucy.. don't cry. Please, come back to Fairy Tail with me.. I swear that no one is upset with you.."

She turned her head away and just started ranting about everything.

"They didn't seem like they wanted me there. Especially that girlfriend of yours, Lisanna right?"

She started crying again. Since I'm a dragon slayer, I can pick up any noise.

"Lucy I promise that they will accept you. We will accept you. I promise that you won't get hurt by any of them, and if they try there will be hell to pay for it."

She slammed her fist on the ground and turned to me.

"Natsu no one accepts me anywhere! As soon as the Heartfilia name is mentioned I get ushered away. I shouldn't go back there, Lisanna was right, I'll just end up causing a problem for all of you. So therefore, I will remove myself from the guild, I will also get my guild mark removed.."

She rubbed her hand over her guild mark and at that point I went up and knelt down in front of her, grabbed her shoulders and looked at her.

"Please don't do that. If anybody tries to come after you, we will do everything in our power to protect you. You have to stay. Please.."

She looked away.

"Why.. why must you try so hard to keep me.. I'm a bad luck charm to you and to any other person.. the last person that took me in got killed by my fathers men.. they're house was engulfed with flames.. she died... along with her two young children..."

I stared at her as she looked away. She was trembling so much, and she looked frightened. I grabbed her arm and fell onto my back, pulling her with me.

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