Arc 2: Sweet Dreams... Or Nightmares? Dangers? Oh For Sure!

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Eyyy... Don't mind the cover for today... I just dont have anything to put right now. And so, reddit had saved my ass and gave me this masterpiece... (lol)

Disclaimer: Mentions of Bullying

(Did I do it right? Eh...)

Word Count: 5897(Excluding this ofc)

Tnx for reading :D

Sweet Dreams... Or Nightmares? Dangers? Oh For Sure!

Once again, the town is lively. I was once again going for a stroll on this town as there was nothing much to do, since my projects we're finished... Well, I can just make more with my ideas, though I don't have much money right now. The bounty that I got recently was enough only to fill up the expenses I spent last time.

Even at winter, people really come to this town as if there we're not enough dangers to be prevented... Well, maybe because this is a starter town, so the monsters weren't strong enough. There were some monsters here and there on winter, but they're mostly either the strongest ones, or the invasive ones like the Winter Wolves we killed from the last quest. And those strong monsters weren't really much active on winter.

So most people, especially adventurers were just idle, and had nothing to do but to stroll around. Unlike the other reincarnated people with cheats that ruins the nature of this world and make such a dangerous monster like that stupid Winter Shogun... Like seriously, why would those cheaters think of the Winter Shogun on winter? Ugh! It pisses me off!.

And as someone who's part of the Idle group, I went to stroll around. From there I noticed two acquaintances of mine, wandering around back and forth on the same spot suspiciously. Those two acquaintances were eyeing a shop suspiciously, so I called out to them.

"Yo! Keith, Dust, what are you doing here?"

"Woah!" Hearing me call out to them, Keith and Dust jumped. They were dressed casually and didn't look like adventurers.

"Wh-What... It's just Kazuma! Don't scare us like that. Really, I hate people who use Lurk skills like this..." When Keith saw it was me, he relaxed and told me that. But I didn't use Lurk just now...

"Hi. What's up? You're not with those three today?" Dust looked to my side curiously. Dust suffered greatly during his time with them, so it was normal for him to be on guard.

"Nope, it's just me today, don't worry. Are you really that bad with them? I was just bored at home and decided to take a stroll. What are you guys doing here?" Dust breathed in relief after hearing what I said.

"N-no, it's... Because we... You understand? Anyway, it's fine that they're not here. Or rather, it's great that there are no ladies around." Dust said.

Huh?... What did they mean? They wanted to do something that would be inconvenienced by the presence of a lady? My thoughts were probably showing on my face as Keith said deviously:

"Kazuma who's usually surrounded by beauties doesn't need such things, but for lonely men like Dust and me-" "Hey, wait!" Keith only spoke halfway when Dust interjected. And Dust looked at me with sympathetic eyes...

"Keith... This guy's situation isn't what you imagined. It might look like a harem at first glance, but it's not like that... He's in the same state as us and has endured much hardship." He was saying this from his experience.

Ahh, I understood... It seems that this guy had it hard back then... All right, even though I'm still shouldering good amount of debts, I should treat Dust to a meal today.

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