My name is Logan and this is my story.
I just joined my new school at the age of 11 and according to my teacher if boys and girls sat next to each other they would not talk to each other (boy was she wrong!) so she made us sit in pairs. That was when I saw her...
My heart skipped a beat. She looked like a goddess. Her tan complexion gleamed in the light. Her velvet lips shining. I was mesmerized.
"Is there something on my lip?" She asked scrunching her jet black eyebrows.
"Umm no," I replied embarrassed that I was caught staring at her lips.
"Logan why don't you sit with Hazel?" My teacher asked
"I would love to," I exclaimed a little too excitedly
Hazel smiled. I could not explain the feelings that one smile caused me. I was nervous. I was happy. I was... a hot mess!
I just stood there grinning like an idiot.
"Well come on over I won't bite you," teased Hazel.
I nodded still grinning and I walked over to sit next to her.
A million questions raced across my mind. Who is this girl? Should I talk to her? Does she think I am stupid for grinning like an idiot?
Class ended and I had no idea what the teacher taught today. In fact I had no clue what subject this was. All I thought about was Hazel. I was watching her every little mannerism.
She chews her lower lip when in thought, She huffs out angrily whenever she got frustrated and best of all she smiles when she understands something. Although I only knows how she looks I could understand her character. She seems to be hiding a lot of pain. Her smiles had a lot of hurt hidden within them.
I knew at that moment that I wanted to make this girl happy.

Her smile
RomanceGuy falls for girl girl does not know Guy and girl are friends Guy has too many bottled up emotions And girl helps guy to manage emotions Hello everyone I know the description doesn't sound like much but the story is gonna be better