The fall

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You ever just sleep and the next morning you are falling from the clouds onto a village when you clearly know you were supposed to be sleeping in your comfy little bed in a fully furnished bedroom in a very much developed community.

 Yeah, very common, I know but still is a little heart-retching don't you think? 

 Sometimes if I'm ever really getting bored, I would think of this situation and possibly assume a flying 2d Nyan cat catching me and taking me back to its base or something. Maybe the Nyan cat had a villa, I don't even know. I don't think now was the time to dream up all this. considering that I was accelerating to my definite death at like, 1000 m/h. I shouldn't be thinking about this. I suddenly realized this and got panicked.

Oh no! OH NOO. I had a whole life to live. I was just a 13-yr-old girl and was a month away from my birthday. My dad had allowed me to order a 2 tier chocolate cake, with pizzas and burgers and Choco lava cakes too. I hadn't eaten them yet.

Ok, Think Parie think, maybe this is all a dream?? But dreams don't allow you to think on your own. AHHHH! OH MAH GAH WHAT DO I DOOOO!!

This shouldn't be how I die. I thought I had wished Santa a life where I could eat as much FOOD as I can. This place wasn't a food haven. I was so panicked I tried being a very idiotically weird butterfly. As in I tried flapping my 'wings' abruptly. I don't know who I thought I was but when it didn't work. I tried using mind control and thought 'SURE MAYBE IM A SUPERNATURAL BEING.'.  

I looked down and saw the village. 

It was rather big for a village but too small for a city, Why was i noting this? No idea whatsoever but the- um lets just call it a town, The town was almost in the middle of nowhere.

 The town's outskirts were covered with a marshy forest. There were patches of- Uh what in the heck?? There were patches of RED AND PINK TREES here and there.

 I rubbed my eyes thinking I was hallucinating. No, they really were patches of red and pink hued trees. Why hadn't I noticed that??? As soon as I saw the unusual trees I started seeing a lot of weird things. 

The Forest covered place was topped with leaves in a lot of places but I could clearly see the bushes and weird plants blocking the paths created to get in the town. Outside the forest laid area there was a big empty plains area circling the forest and town. 

The plains had a few trees sprouting here and there but that's it. How was that possible?? there was forest on one end and the next thing you knew you were standing in an open field. That doesn't make sense. To be honest, at the moment? . Nothing . made . sense . 

After the field was a large mountain covering further view of the outside world. Even with being on this high of a height I couldn't see past the mountain. furthermore my vision was obscured by fog and clouds. This place was covered on all sides. 

How in the world was someone living here..?

I realized that there was something odd about the town too. The houses were glinting new. Not that, that was the weird part. Though, There were Ombre roofs on some of the houses.

 Wait-No no they were shops. There were shop names written on top of the roofs on separate billboards. As my view was obscured, I couldn't read the names properly.

The shops were the ones with the Ombre colored roofs, hueing from brownish colors to a dirty blondish. It was very odd roof choice. 

Thought there were a lot of them around the Town so I thought maybe it was popular but then my working side of my brain retaliated, 'you are literally falling to your death and all you can think of is " maybe an Ombre roof is more popular." GOD DAMN IT COME TO YOUR SENSES.' oh gods I forgot about that, I started bawling my eyes out because I knew that there was absolutely no way I was not going to die.

Right then I got bonked on the head so hard I passed out. Before I passed out I thought 'Whoever did that, not cool dude. Or maybe I got hit by a plane.'  I saw a blurred figure a few feet away from me riding a weird-looking - uhm puppy?? I touched my head and left a lump where I had gotten hit. I looked down and saw an emerald  bat thing falling, probably the thing that hit me. I drifted to my possibly last sleep. 

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