I know you're somewhere out there

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she sat on the balcony

wind blowing through her obsidian black hair cascaded over her  shoulders

once he had said that he loved the fragrance it gave off

that it "wafted an aroma of lavender when she walked around"

he would play with the strand delicately 

and whisper sweet nothings into her ear

he had always had a way with words

but now she felt ...




knowing she might never hear such poetic words as he played with her hair ever again

he always told her to have hope

but without him she couldn't see the bright future he promised

the thread of hope she held so strongly before

now about to tear 

but she would wait

and look at the constellation of stars he loved to talk about so much

at the first glance the sky looked black

but after staring so long

she noticed the deep blue of the horizons

 almost captivating her as she couldn't seen to look away

and the moon shone dimly but brightly at the same time

but after all it was just reflecting the light taken from the sun

but what would happen if the sun disappeared

went somewhere too far from the moons reach?

 where would the moon seek light from? 

maybe  the stars that seemed so tiny 

or maybe it would just fade into nothing.

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