arc 1.12

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Third persons Pov

When the Ambulance get in the school hospital the nurse who had the stretcher told the other nurse to lift Maxine carefully
They put Maxine there and run in the emergency room

Because Nathan is the Highschool student's President he have the File of Maxine and her emergency contact so he tell his Vice president to go to the hospital and bring Maxine's File to him

The Vice President is no other than the world's ML
Cole Lopez

Cole who receive the president's order is curious why Nathan take the thing seriously but immediately follow Nathan's order

When the world's ML reach in the hospital he saw Nathan waiting outside the emergency room with his crying sister Bianca

She blames herself for letting Maxine wonder alone

Cole give the file and necklace that Nathan ask and left

Nathan look at the file and call the Dwayne Family

"Hello?" A woman answers the call

"Hi can I talk to Mrs. Dwayne?" Nathan calmly said but also worried on the inside

"This is Mrs. Dwayne talking what can I do for you " The woman said

"Mrs. Dwayne I'm Nathan Ronan the school president of X school can you please go to the hospital" Nathan started to talk

"Why what happened?" Mrs Dwayne worriedly ask

"Your Daughter Maxine Dwayne is currently in the hospital right now and the doctor want to talk to you" Nathan explain

"What!!! Ok I'll go there please take care of Maxi for a while" Mrs Dwayne said before Nathan could reply she hung up to call her husband

Nathan sigh and sits beside Bianca who is still crying

"Everything will be fine sis don't worry" Nathan said as he pats her head


Minutes Later the parents of Maxine arrived with a worried face

The siblings stand

"Hi I'm Nathan the one who talked to you and this is my sister Bianca Maxine's friend" Nathan explain

"Hello I'm Samantha Dwayne and this is my Husband David Dwayne" the woman introduce

"What happened why is my daughter inside that room" a powerful voice said own by Maxine's father David pointing at the room where Maxine is resting they move the girl in one of their private room

Nathan explained everything he saw, Bianca is also listening cause she didn't know the reason

"That's what happened" Nathan said after he explain

Mr and Mrs Dwayne face went black before they can utter a word a nurse interrupt their conversation and said that Maxine is awake

When they opened the door the room is too quiet they entered the room and saw Maxine on the bed crying silently

Those who saw this side of Maxine felt like an arrow shot their heart

When Maxine realize their presence she immediately wipe off her tear's and smile

Nathan who feel like his heart is dying when Maxine force to smile doesn't know what to do

"Hi?" Maxine said uncomfortably seeing that her mom and dad is here

"Nathan where is the uhm necklace" Maxine said with a hurt voice and avoiding her parents gaze

"Maxi why would you still like the necklace despite on what she did on you?" Nathan said with a questioning

"What do y-you mean i-m okay I just s-slip on the f-floor it's no one's fault" Maxine said avoiding her gaze

"And besides I still didn't give those to the girl name Mina" Maxine added she smile but that smile didn't give justice to what her eyes are saying

"Maxine stop it I saw everything" Nathan said softly not wanting to hurt the girl

"You do?" Maxine said with a big eyes

She blush hard while staring at Nathan

"I'm sorry" Maxine said
"But maybe it's an accident Mina didn't mean it" she added trying to reason out

Nathan who don't want to argue with Maxine whispered

"Why are you so soft hearted" Nathan said but it did not miss to everyones ears

"That not true" Maxine said

"Ahhhh I really like this girl" Nathan admits inside his mind

"Yeah I like this girl" he added looking at her

"Ehem" David fake cough causing the two to blush

"Maxine baby are you alright" Samantha said

"Yes mom I'm alright thank you
for visiting" Maxine said smiling

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