Chapter 3

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It was finally Sakura's first day off school in the academy, Rin and Obito we're standing with her at her new classroom. Obito and Rin heard that she will have the same class with Naruto their sensei's son and Sasuke Obito's younger cousin.

" Goodluck, Saku-chan " Obito grinned happily. " show them who's boss and smarter than anyone else! " Rin cheered as Sakura sweat dropped.

After a week she was already being comfortable with both of them as her parents, and who would've thought she was so curious about many things. She can read a book over just 10 minutes, the couple was even shocked that they discovered Sakura has a special sensory ability and reflexes.

They found out she can smell chakra and scent a mile away than an Inuzuka can, her eyes change from green to yellow and let's her see anything even in a far away place or village and lastly her super hearing, she can hear chakra flowing and a silent movement. They even told the hokage about it.

Even he was shocked, soon Rin taught her basic medical ninjutsu while Obito do most of her training.

For only 3 days she finally mastered every training she knows, she has perfect chakra control and a very clever brain.

" don't worry, you'll do fine " they reassured as Sakura smiled awkwardly and soon took a deep breath and walked in her class.


" Alright settle down everyone " Iruka announced " Today we will have a new student, now please introduce yourself to the class "

Everyone was staring confusedly at the pinkette so she ignored them and began introducing herself. " O-o-ohayo... M-my n-names S-s-sakura U-uchiha, I-i a-all of us c-can get a-along t-together... " she stuttered

The boys we're utterly drooling and blushing over her, and some of the girls we're admiring her while some glared at her. " alright Sakura, please sit right there " Iruka stated as he pointed where her seat is.

She nodded and sat on her seat and soon listen to Iruka's lesson.


Lunch break came, while the kids we're talking and chatting, Sakura just stood away from them and read a book instead of playing.

Suddenly a lavender blue haired girl walked to her and spoke, " Ummm, i-is t-this s-seat t-t-taken? " she asked politely and nervously. Sakura just shook her head

" No... Y-you can t-take i-it " she stuttered in reply. They both sat together and ate lunch, soon they started chatting. There stuttering was starting to get lighter and lighter.

" Oh by the way I didn't get your name? " Sakura spoke. " Oh, my name's Hinata Hyuga. It's an honor to meet you Sakura-chan " she said with a smile.

" no need Hina-chan, just call me Saku-chan. That's what my mommy, daddy, Kakashi-san and the hokage calls me... " Hinata nod and soon felt nervous again. It made Sakura arch a brow at her

" Nani Hina-chan? "

" Are we friends...? " she asked hoping she would agree, Hinata never had friends since her father was very strict. He would say friends keeps you distracted from your training to her.

" Ofcourse we are silly " she smiled. " really? " Sakura just nod in response as she took Hinata's hand and walked together to the classroom.


Little did they know a certain black haired boy listened to their conversation. She's a Uchiha? Impossible. No one in our clan has pink hair and green eyes, I need to keep my eye on her... He thought


Sasuke's pov

I watched as the pink haired Uchiha left with the Hyuga, I was having suspicion with her. Soon I walked back to the classroom and thought to ask father about her.

We we're reviewing the history of konoha, and Iruka-sensie started to ask questions about it. Nobody answered it since we just started studying about it. Suddenly a hand was raised, I looked who was raising her hand and that made me shocked

It was her, the pink haired Uchiha. She mange to answer every of Iruka-sensie's questions correctly, Iruka-sensie was shocked to see her answer in every detail. I was a bit jealous though.

After she answered every question and Iruka-sensie started writing on the board she soon made a high five at the Hyuga heir.


It was time for us to come home, I saw my older cousin Obito he was waiting for someone, I went to him and spoke " Hey, Obito-nii, who are you waiting for? "

He looked at me in shock and soon grinned and patted my head and spoke " oh Sasu-chan, I'm here to pick my daughter up. Since Rin is busy at the hospital " he said that made me arch a shocked brow at him.

" does that means I have a cousin who's the exact age as me? " I asked still in disbelief, he grinned and smiled soon he waved his hand around. " Saku-chan! Over here! " he yelled

I thought that must be my new cousin I looked behind me and saw the pink haired girl with Hyuga heir by her side waving at Obito-nee.

Until it made me gasped and looked at Obito-nee arching a brow at me. " that's your daughter?! " I asked as the pink haired girl went near us

" Ah. I see you've met Saku-chan, yup! Are you guys friends? " he asked the pinkette who was looking at Hinata. She nod in response.

I looked at her and saw in disbelief, I mean look at her, she has a pink bubblegum hair and green eyes and a pointy daimond shaped pupils. She doesn't even looks like a Uchiha.

" oh by the way, Daddy. Can we please go to the library? I wanna read new books today. " she asked. Obito-nee was in shock but soon scratched his head in disbelief " Eh?! But you just got 38 books yesterday. Don't tell me you already have read all of them? " he whined as she giggled and soon looked at me and arch a brow.

" oh by the way Saku-chan, this is your cousin Sasuke Uchiha. He's from the head family " he introduced and I smirked. " so he's Sasuke, I heard a lot of stories from Kushina-chan that you and Naruko... Was it... Oh! Naruto, you and Naruto are best friends and rivals " she said as she smiled until suddenly her smile made my stomach fluttery.

" Hn. It was nice to meet you, bye Obito-nee and Sakura! Hope we see again! " I yelled and soon they left as well.

End of pov

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