Day 2: Royalty

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A/N: Nyo NorPan! Names used are Sakura for Japan and Frida for Norway.

Many have heard tales about princesses locked up in towers by evil witches. Such maidens are said to be unbelievably gorgeous, sometimes having long golden hair and voices like the tinkle of a wind chime. They lie in their towers, despondent and in wait for a savior. Any upstanding (and single) knight or prince would scramble to save a beautiful damsel in distress like that, even if they have to cross lava moats and battle against dragons to reach her. Some might boast of their courage before setting out on the perilous journey, framing themselves as the most awe-inspiring heroes of grandeur.

And then they actually get there.

The young knight trembled in his chain mail. He had entered the tower's bottom chamber with the confidence that they all had; the certainty that they would be the one to slay the dragon and return with the princess. Such pride was so easy to crumble.

His armor had been destroyed, as well as most of his undergarments, and he was left with only a charred, pathetic excuse for underpants and the mail he wore under his heavy suit of armor.

Frida almost smiled at the squeal of terror he gave when she crushed his sword into dust with only two talons.

"Leaveth this place, insignificant mortal," she growled in a low tone, standing tall on her hind legs and stretching out her wings until they touched either side of the chamber. "Lest thee die by my flames."

The knight understandably pissed himself.

He stood there, whimpering, while Frida towered over him. Either he had a death wish or he was frozen with fear, because he didn't move a muscle.

Frida rolled her eyes. "That means get out." She lurched her body forward as though threatening to squash the poor knight underneath her. He got the memo that time. His shrill shrieks echoed off the walls of the chamber until the moment he stumbled out the door.

Frida waited until she was certain he was gone before folding her wings to her sides and turning her gaze towards a nearby corner. She huffed an amused breath through her nostrils.

"Do you enjoy watching me torment your suitors, princess?" Frida asked. 

"Not particularly. I just like watching you." Sakura replied. She had perched herself on the edge of a stone ledge, which was really more like a balcony with a staircase that led to the top of the tower. Her sandaled feet dangling over the 40 foot drop that separated her petite body from the floor, but she didn't seem to mind the height in the slightest. She smiled at Frida. "You are a very lovely dragon, after all."

"Oh yes, I must look so lovely when I make knights soil their pants," Frida bantered.

Sakura half rolled her eyes. "You know that isn't what I meant."

Frida gave the princess a half smile. "I know."

"Now," Frida said, "let me get you down before you fall." Frida held out a single talon towards Sakura, which was almost as big as the princess herself. Sakura stood up from the ledge and wrapped her arms tightly around Frida's talon. She patted the keratine two times to signal that she was ready.

Frida closed her eyes.

A wind picked up in the chamber. A strange energy began to form along with it- one that was cool and smooth, and it made the air taste like magic. A mist crept across the floor, drawn towards the source of the energy. It swirled around Frida's hind legs like a cyclone and began to climb up her body, blowing faster and faster, though picking up no debris. Soon enough it had encased both Frida and Sakura entirely, the opening at the top of the twister cocoon sealing up at a point, mere inches away from touching the ceiling.

And then it vanished.

Frida, no longer a dragon, gracefully touched down to the floor in slow motion, Sakura falling neatly into her arms.

"I rate that landing ten out of ten," Sakura said primly. "Catching me like this is new."

"I could do it more often." Frida ducked down to lightly press her forehead against Sakura's, gazing with half-lidded eyes at her lover's face. "...Only if you like it, though."

A blush rose in Sakura's cheeks. "I might."

"That was a yes or no question, I believe," Frida said with a small smirk. 

"Hm." Sakura hummed thoughtfully and adjusted herself in Frida's arms, sinking more into her girlfriend's hold. "I wouldn't mind you doing this every once in a while. I don't want to strain your arms, though."

Frida raised an eyebrow. "I am strong enough to throw you to the other end of this chamber, you know."

"...Noted." Sakura paused, then nuzzled her forehead against Frida's. "I guess you'd be strong enough to catch me like this every time, then?"

"As you wish, my lady."

The two women fell into silence. Their foreheads stayed pressed together, but gradually, Frida's head began to angle downwards more and more until her mouth hovered mere centimeters above Sakura's. So close that they could feel the other's breath brush against their lips. 

"Those knights are so frightened of you..." Sakura murmured, the pink in her cheeks darkening from the intimacy. "...Which is good, I suppose. But you're really not that scary up close like this."

"Thank you, kjære," Frida replied. A blush of her own began to form the longer she looked into Sakura's eyes. "You make me that way."

Frida could no longer resist it. She closed the distance between her lips and Sakura's, smiling slightly into the kiss.

The end.

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