Day 4: History

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A/N: Mostly entirely completely crack since I died inside after writing 2000 words in the last one. ALSO, this was the last day I managed to write, so I hope you all enjoyed these stories! Hoping to write again soon.

Country shenanigans, country names.

"Just try it."

"...I don't know."

"Try it."

"M-Maybe later?"

"Try it."

"But…" Japan apprehensively prodded the slab of salmon on the table in front of him. "...It's raw."

"It's supposed to be," Norway said with a sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "As I've explained, it's fine to eat this salmon raw. Just try it, we've been at this for three hours."

"But it's raw."

"Japan, I swear to God-"

"Would you eat our salmon raw?" Japan questioned. He opened a drawer in the table that Norway hadn't seen before and pulled something 100% diseased out of it, then dropping it onto the table next to Norway's salmon.

"What is that??" Norway asked, disgusted.

"Raw salmon," Japan replied curtly.

"Why is it that color??"

"Because it isn't cooked!"

"No, I think it's because that thing isn't edible. Look-" Norway took a pen and a notebook out of his pocket. "How about I make the difference clearer to you?"

On one piece of paper he wrote the word 'sake' and dropped it onto Japan's salmon. 

"That's what yours is called, right?" He wrote 'sāmon' on a different piece of paper and dropped it onto his salmon. "And that's mine. There, see? They're different." Norway put his items back in his pocket.

Japan stared down at the two slabs of fish and their new titles, puzzlement creeping into his expression. He looked back up at Norway after a solid 25 seconds of staring at the fish.

"...It's the same word though," he pointed out slowly.

Norway facepalmed. "Yes, because it's the same fish. It's just to differentiate between your salmon, which isn't good raw, and my salmon, which is great raw."





"I don't get it."

"Oh, drepe meg nå-"

"But," Japan poked Norway's salmon again, more inquisitive this time. "I suppose I can import some. Maybe I could try selling it for sushi..."

Norway could have kissed him.


"I'm not going to eat it yet, though."

"...Of course you're not."

A/N: (Author note from the paaaaast) This is definitely how it actually went down, don't @ me.

So yeah Norway gave Japan raw salmon, that's kinda neat. It's some history that they actually have together, so obvious choice. 

I regret everything.

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