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Once upon a time... this is how stories normally begin but this story is not as happy as people believe all stories should go. This story is about a young, gifted maiden born to one of the most vicious enemies of Olympus. This story is about her hardship, pain, and suffering but not without happiness, love, acceptance, and friendship. This story is about one Skye Ariel Potter also known to magical Britain as the Girl Who Lived.
It was early Saturday morning; young Skye was lying awake in her small lumpy bed in her cupboard/room. She was awake for the last hour waiting for Uncle Vernon to unlock her cupboard as he would always lock it.

Skye hates the weekends and the holidays more than anything as she has no school to attend where she is free from everything that involves the Dursleys, but seeing as it is the weekend, she has no choice but to be the slave and punching bag for her relatives.

All in all, this is the life no normal child should live, but this is the life she has lived for as long as she could remember. Her aunt and uncle were always quick to remind her what she is to them and Dudley too as he grew older as he started to copy his parents. She was told repeatedly that she is not a normal girl - she was a freak, a good-for-nothing slave - that should be grateful for what little scraps they are willing to give her, or punishment will find her.

To Skye this is a normal day... little did she know that this day will be the day when some of her heritage will show its ugly head.


The morning while Skye was preparing breakfast for her relatives, her Aunt Petunia decided to surprise her with an extremely important dinner meeting between Uncle Vernon and his boss and the boss's wife. Everything needs to be perfect or there will be dire consequences.

After Skye was done with her daily chores, it was nearly seven in the evening when she went to her cupboard to retire. She was exhausted but knew that she will have to do everything again tomorrow as it is her life.

It took her up to two hours to get some sleep after a hard day of work, but it did not last.
Vernon Dursley was seething mad as he ripped open Skye's cupboard startling her awake.
A scream ripped from Skye as she saw her massive red-faced Uncle towering over her.

A seething Vernon quickly advances on her - towering over her small form, wanting to make her pay for the loss of his promotion.

"This is all your fault!" He screamed at Skye.

My fault, what is my fault?! Skye though panicked as she tried to retreat to the corner of her cupboard, after all this is not the first time that he took his anger out on her, sure as hell will not be the last.

"You ruined my only chance for the promotion - you little freak!" He screeched at her.

"I'll show you little freak just what you deserve" - He said while slowly began to remove his belt and undo his trousers while having this unforgivable sadistic gleam within his eyes.

The evening dinner must have not gone well, she thought, - He is going to punish me because of it, as always Skye concluded. She just hopes that he will not beat her too badly as she is not sure if she could endure another beating like she received yesterday.

He let his pants fall to the dusty floor of her room and reached for her. Skye has never seen her uncle so enraged before and she was terrified.

"Now you will earn your stay here, you little whore." He spat at her with so much loathing and hatred that can raise a demon from hell.

The look in his eyes was something that made you think that Skye is the prey, and he is the predator about to break her. The look was the final straw - something just snapped within Skye. She is not the prey, she is born as a predator, a hunter and this lowly human is nothing but a meat bag to feast on.

In his lust-filled approach, Vernon Dursley never saw the changes taking place within Skye. He never saw the predator within - stalking the shadows, instead of the weak, frightened girl she was a few moments ago.

Even the changes of her body are hidden within the shadows. Her shoulder-length raven-black hair shifted to a fiery strawberry blonde mane-like hair, her ears changed to that of a lion cub, and a lion-like tail grew from her well-named tail bone, her fingernails grew to a claw-like feel and look, and finally, her eyes changed from emerald, green to gold with green and silver flecks - all in all, she looked like a lion/human hybrid.

Vernon was so caught up on his plans for punishment that he never noticed Skye lunged at him until it was too late.

"Your little bitch ..." - His shout was cut off by her claws as it tore through his neck and bone, leaving Vernon without his head.

Surprised at how easy it was to kill one of her tormentors that it mesmerized her at the amount of blood within his body. She finally realized that she is no longer a prey but a powerful predator, she can now keep herself safe from people like her uncle but also knew that she can no longer stay here.

"VERNON" shrilled Aunt Petunia Dursley

She was so caught up in her thoughts that the shrill voice of her aunt brought her out of her daze, she swiftly turned to the source of the scream ready to defend if needed. The look of horror on her aunt's face brought Skye up short, never in her wildest dreams was this look directed to her.

Skye suddenly felt weak at the knees, while her stomach clenched with the taste of blood within her mouth as she remembered that she has killed someone - never mind that is her uncle who never treated her with any human decency - she now believed that she is nothing but a monster - she has told form a very young age that she is a worthless freak, so it will be easy to believe she is a monster. Skye knew she had to deal with all this self-loathing and hatred she is feeling but not now - now she needs to run and never return.

Her instincts were screaming at her to run, to get as far as possible from here and as fast as possible. She knows that she should probably kill her aunt too, but Skye could not bring herself to do it - she might have hated Skye, but she never hurt her as Uncle Vernon did.

Skye also knew what it is like to be without parents, and she did not want Dudley to experience that - Skye is not a cruel person, she is a very kindhearted person and Dudley was not bad - he would only act cruelly to her when Vernon could see, otherwise he just ignored her.

The urge to leave was now becoming unbearable, so she gave into it. Skye swiftly turned and ran - her speed reached previously unknown heights as she sprinted through the dark house. Skye had always been fast and agile by nature but now this unbelievable feeling of being free has increased - her running always had such an effect on her.

She runs through the front door - smashing it with her newfound strength by accident. Landing on the lawn of 4 Privet Drive - she was momentarily stunned at her strength and the fact that she does not have any scratches or any injuries when she crashed through the solid wood front door.

It was then that her instincts became more pronounced as she started hearing the police in the distance - so she ran giving in to her more primal instincts knowing that it will keep her safe and help her cope with what she has done for now.

Not knowing where to go - she just runs away from London and away from the lights, all she knows is that she will be safe for a bit in the forest, so she runs into the wild.

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