Chapter 9

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Naruto and his team get in the room and see countless Genin from all kinds of villages in it. Genin from the Hidden Sound, Hidden Grass, Hidden Rain, Hidden Waterfall, Hidden Leaf, and the Hidden Sand villages. Naruto was excited. He could test his powers and get promoted. The idea of getting promoted excited him.

Naruto saw his old classmates and was happy to see they were doing quite well. "Yo, everyone. Should've known you guys would be participating in this exam," said Naruto.

"Same to you," said Shikamaru smiling.

Naruto heard his teammates talk to each other so he decided to focus on his sensing abilities to sense the others Chakra in the classroom while they talk. They all seemed to have normal Chakra until it came to one Hidden Grass Genin. The chakra was pure evil and the sheer amount of it was insane for a Genin. Naruto could clearly sense how evil and just how strong the Genin was. If he even was a Genin. Naruto noticed he was trying to mask his Chakra but Naruto could clearly see just how strong this Genin was. He was so focused on her that he forgot to breathe. His hands were shaking and his face clearly showed just how scared and disgusted Naruto was at the moment. Naruto finally came back to his senses and looked around hearing his friends calling after him.

"Naruto," yelled Shikamaru.

Naruto quickly shook his head and wiping the tears that came out of his face. "Oh, sorry sorry. I just got a really nostalgic feeling and I really don't know what happened just now," said Naruto. He was lying but he felt like if he even said a word about her he would die. Get his throat slit and his tongue pulled out.

Shikamaru and Sasuke noticed he was lying. That face clearly showed how terrified Naruto was but why would Naruto be so scared right now? They decided to leave it for now.

'Thank god he didn't notice me, ' thought Naruto.

Kurama started laughing out loud. "To think such a terrified kitten would be my Jinchuriki," said Kurama clearly taunting Naruto.

'Shut up. That Chakra was even eviler than yours,' said Naruto

Kurama infuriated by that comment stood up roaring. Naruto simply covered his ears due to how loud he was just now. 'Ups, maybe I went too far. I'm sorry o' mighty Kurama,' said Naruto also laughing.

"Heh, that's more like it. You better not embarrass me again," said Kurama as he lied back down trying to sleep again.

'I didn't- ah never mind,' said Naruto as he noticed someone approaching them.

"You guys should be quieter," said a gray-haired guy with onyx eyes and black-rimmed circular glasses. He wore a dark purple shirt with a high collar, a white under-shirt, and dark purple pants with a white cloth waistband. He also wore dark purple fingerless gloves with armored plates on the back of the hand and a blue forehead protector.

Naruto looked around noticing that they were actually quite loud and gained the attention of everyone in the room. "And who are you?" asked Naruto curiously.

"My name is Kabuto Yakushi. You guys caused quite the scene. Ah, you remind me so much of how I used to be," answered Kabuto.

"Oh? Not your first time here huh?" asked Naruto again.

"No, it's my seventh time here," answered Kabuto laughing a little seeing their reactions. "Since you guys are rookies I'll share some information with these cards," said Kabuto holding a few strange cards.

"What?" asked Sakura confused.

"Yes, these cards have information burned in them with Chakra. Information worth 4 years," said Kabuto proudly as he picked a card and pouring a little chakra in it they could see how many participants there were in this exams.

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