Chapter Thirteen

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*trigger warning. Abuse; mental, physical and emotional.*

Sera parked quickly and rushed to get her kids out of the car.

As they were unbuckled, all seven quickly ran towards the front door. Sera followed behind, unlocking it quickly.

The children knew Ja-won wouldn't lay a finger on them.

They knew Sera wouldn't allow him to. But, they also knew that they're only 9 and a half years old and that if he hurt their mom then they couldn't help her.

As Sera closed the door she ushered the children upstairs to get washed and ready for bed.

She watched them climb the steps before she glanced out the window, noticing just had bad the snow had gotten in only a matter of minutes.. She figured there'd definitely be another snow day due to the wind chill.

She took off her mask and hat as she continued to watch the snow, a sighed breath of relief was released.

She made it, thankfully before he returned—

Claps... not just any claps... slow claps.

She freezes in her spot.

"Where'd you go, Sera?" The deep toned voice rang terrifyingly strong in Sera's ears.

She slowly turned around to see him two steps away from her.

His 5'11 build towering over her 5'5 build.

She balled her fist and closed her eyes. Awaiting the punishment.

"Where did you take our children, Sera?" Ja-won asks again

"A birthday party!"

Sera's eyes widen, he head swings towards the landing.

Misa, Hiro, and Taeyong stood, scowls prominent on their faces.

For small, helpless, nine year olds; they were strong-willed and very outspoken.

They knew what was wrong and what was right. Ja-won had never been a father so their loyalty lied with their mother.

And seeing her again, crying and scared, pissed these small, helpless, nine year olds off.

"Leave her alone daddy." Misa says

Ja-won chuckles.

He quickly takes his hands and grips the back of Sera's hair.

Causing her to scream out in pain.

"Children go upstairs." She tries to say calmly, "Mommy and Daddy are just talking.

"Ma you're crying!" Taeyong yells

"Pierre!" Sera screams

In a second a man comes to the landing and forcefully pulls the three children away.

"I can't hit them..." Ja-won seethes, "But I can hit you." He says as he lands a hard smack across Sera's face.

He throws her on to the ground and harshly kicks her in the stomach.

Causing her to cry out for him to stop.

"Is it fun, Sera?!" He yells with another kick, "Is it fun to disrespect me?!"

He bends down and spits on her. Laughing at the blood that begins to drip from her mouth.

He had forgotten he wore his rings today.

"What don't you get about 'You cannot go  anywhere, you're not supposed to.'? You know they go to school and come home. And you also know that you are to go nowhere."

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