Chapter Thirty-Three

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The morning was cold, and after so many nights of sleeping with her children, the bed felt lonely and big for no reason.

Ja-won was giving her space until they moved into their own place. As he put it, 'we're just here until Jungsu passes everything to me. Then we can go wherever you want.'

Sera shivered at the memory.

Pulling the blanket over her shoulders she watched the sunrise from her large bedroom window.

She thought about what the children may be doing. Probably sleeping.

She also thought about the guys not knowing anything about children.

Would they know how to enroll them in school?

Their grades would be in trouble because they've already missed so many days.

Hoseok and Jin were smart enough to get that handled. Believing that much put Sera's mind at ease.

She released her tensed muscles only slightly as she smiled at the thought of the guys half-awake, making quick breakfasts and lunches for the septuplets.

It made her happy just to imagine that.

She hoped her children didn't hurt too much. She wished she could at least say goodbye but she knew they wouldn't allow it.

She rolled over onto her back,

"Don't come for me." She wished wholeheartedly, "Do not come for me."


Jungkook watched Misa as she was the last to finish putting her shoes on.

He smiled fondly as he watched as she fixed her jacket one more time before running back over towards him.

"Remember daddy, You have to pick us up okay? You have to!"

"Yes Misa... how could I forget?" He jokes

"You wouldn't!" She teases before she runs out the door and after her siblings.

Today would be their first day of school in this small area. Jungkook was lucky that Jin actually thought about education because none of the others did.

It was now that Jungkook was realizing he truly was a parent. It was a strange feeling. He didn't want to drink or disappear into the world. He just wanted to be by Misa's side forever.

He wonders if that's how his mother felt. He also wonders how his father could become the way that he is to them.

Mean... hateful?

Jungkook could never imagine being that way towards Misa.

With that thought in his mind, he also thought of Jonghyun. He realized that he hadn't seen nor heard from the man since the day Jungkook left to cool off.

Since the day that Sera was deemed missing..... again.

Of course, last night after the big talk. Jungkook and Taehyung had a conversation, the two don't disagree on much but they like to talk things out when they do disagree.

Taehyung threw out the idea that Jonghyun betrayed them again... but Jungkook couldn't listen to that. No matter the hold that his father may have held on his brother, Jonghyun wouldn't betray him again, he just knew he wouldn't.

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