01 that's kinda gay

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━━ A single crimson red peddle fluttered to the dirt. The peddle, belonging to the rose bush above, barely grazed the ground before it was stepped on by a person walking past. The dark red peddle was covered by the brown dirt, small specks of red could still be seen, but not as much as before.

The rose bush watched the peddle disappear before it focused on the sun beaming down on it again. Surrounded by ugly yellow grass, the rose bush stood out amongst everything else around the park. But what stood out the most was a single rose at the very top, the most healthiest and prettiest rose out of them all.

Everyone that walked by always eyed it as they did so, thinking to themselves how beautiful such a flower was.

She stood out like a beautiful rose. She was the prettiest and brightest rose, always gaining the attention of others, but the thorns around her stem made people cautious to pick her.

Y/n L/n was never afraid to pick the rose, and even though the thorns prickled the skin of her fingers, she held on to it and never let go. The rose was too beautiful to let go of, and the sharp thorns added on to the beauty of her.


"Y/n, focus on your grades this year instead of your friends."

The girl sitting lazily on the couch scoffed at the sound of her friend's voice, looking over at him with a witty smile that made him roll his eyes.

"Levi, I'm 18." She reminded him with a smirk. "I can do whatever I want."

Levi glared at the back of her head once she turned around to watch tv again. He took long strides so that he was standing in front of her view of the show she was watching.

She glared back at him and tried to kick him away, but he stayed in place. "You know that since you're 18 I can kick you out whenever I want?"

Y/n's glare turned more serious, so she leaned back against the couch again with crossed arms. "You're an asshole." She growled out, swinging one more kick at his side and giving up when he moved swiftly away. "Erwin wouldn't be proud."

Levi shrugged as he sat next to her. "Yeah, and Erwin's dead, so I don't give a shit."

The mention of Erwin's name usually made Levi stiffen up, but as Y/n looked over at him because of the way he was speaking, he was frowning with intense eyes.

Erwin Smith was Levi's best friend, a man who died of sleep exhaustion from lack of sleep only three years ago when Y/n was 15. He lived with the two of them along with Hange, another one of Levi's friends who moved out a few months ago.

Y/n lived with Levi most of her life, since her parents left her with him almost ten years ago. He hasn't heard of them since then, and since he couldn't stand seeing a helpless child live on her own, he raised her as best as he could.

They considered each other friends rather than family.

"You alright?" Y/n asked the man next to her, scooting closer so that she could comfort him if he needed it, which he usually didn't.

"I'm just worried about your future." He spit out angrily, turning to look at her with the glare that still didn't leave his face from earlier. "You treat school like it's a joke."

Y/n shook her head at that. "I do not!" She stood up from the couch with energetic movement, swinging her arms around as she spoke to him. "I always pass my classes. You just don't appreciate my hard work."

He sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're a liar, Y/n. You barely pass your classes, and if you want to get in a good college, you need to pass with better grades."

Y/n stared down at him as she thought over what to say. Yeah, he was right, but school was hard for her, so the grades she got was the best she could do. She just wished he would understand that she wasn't as smart as he wanted her to be.

"I'll try my best." She softly said with a smile, causing Levi look up at her with widened eyes. It was rare for Y/n to take anything he said serious, so hearing those words made Levi's nervous feelings feel a little better. "I promise!"

Levi nodded, dropping his head back against the couch as he sighed out in relief. "You better be serious, Y/n."

She sat back down on the couch in a fast movement, which resulted in Levi glaring at her. "I'm serious, Levi! Have more faith in me."



Once the first day of school arrived, Y/n was rushed out of the house by an annoyed Levi who called her lazy for having the audacity to ask for a ride to school. He watched her run down the sidewalk towards the school, amused by the way she ran.

Y/n slowed down once she reached the end of the sidewalk, where she was only two crosswalks away from school. As she stood and waited for the signal to cross the road, someone stood next to her while laughing.

"What's so funny?" She asked the boy next to her, glaring at him with annoyance as he laughed harder.

Connie Springer, one of her closest friends who lived on the same street as her, smirked at her as he teased the girl for running the way she did. She had always been made fun of for the way she ran, but it didn't bother her one bit. She found it funny as well, but Connie decided to joke about it as soon as he saw her.

"You're annoying." She told him as they crossed the street, slapping the back of his head when he continued to say overused jokes.

"Asshole." He muttered as he rubbed the pain away from the back of his head. "You hit really hard, you know?!"

She smirked, finding it funny whenever her male friends complained about being hit too hard.

"Aw, did Connie get hit by Y/n too hard again?"

The two looked up to see their friend Sasha walking towards them with an excited smile. Her brown hair was pulled up in a pony tail, showing off her dangly earrings. She wore a pair of ripped jean shorts and a loose black blouse.

"You look hot, Sasha!" Y/n wrapped her arms around the girl, smiling as Sasha giggled at the compliment.

Connie eyed them with a suspicious look. "That's kinda gay."

Y/n stuck her tongue out at Connie and pulled Sasha closer to her. "So? Are you homophobic, Connie?"

He shook his head quickly, knowing where this was going. Y/n always used that word against him whenever he brought up how Y/n acted with Sasha.

"I'm not!"

"You are."

"I'm not!"


"Will you two shut up?" They all glared over at the new person who decided to walk with them. Jean rolled his eyes. "Its too early to listen to your bullshit."

Connie playfully slapped Jean's shoulder. "Don't walk with us if you're going to complain."

Jean pushed Connie away from him, sighing. "I have no one else to walk with, so I'm stuck with you guys."

Y/n smirked, "Sure." She said sarcastically, keeping her arm around Sasha as they all walked into the school they have gone to for their entire high school days.

So far, nothing has changed for them.

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