「t h e 〇rphanage」

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(Fake/N) = Fake name, just make up another name for yourself. This will be used throughout a lot of chapters.


Reader POV

The long hallway echoed my footsteps while I looked at the many guillotines. This is Death City, I've seen it many times, when it crumbled to ashes, flourished and it's future. I'm different to others, I can't explain in words but it's a feeling I only know. I grew up in an isolated area never knowing my biological parents or what my true identity was.


" Monster ! " "Demon" "Scary~"

I don't understand. Why?

At the end of each and every day, I would have bruises, a few cuts and miserable fate. No this was no dungeon I speak of, but an orphanage

What did I do to deserve this?

The ladies who worked here would sometimes see my distress but do nothing to stop it, they just watched, no concern in their eyes, just a cold stare. I dreaded waking up and seeing that this was no nightmare.

I was born along side Misery

A few years later...

I'm still here at the orphanage, I keep my distance with the other orphans. By now I think I've seen most of the kids I grew up with, get adopted.

"(Fake/N) ! " of course since I never knew my real name, the ladies named me. I hated the name, it never felt right or suited me. I just woke up from the shout, I looked to the side of me to see the window coloured midnight with a few dull stars. I get out of bed quietly, I squint my eyes to try and make out the room.

The steps creak beneath my feet as I descend the small stairs. I start to see the artificial light coming from the first floor and I close my eyes once again to adjust to the brightness. The three ladies and the manager were there standing and looking directly at me with their unemotional stares, their stares always intimidated the young.

I let out a intentional yawn, trying to hide my annoyance or to really show I didn't give a cookie about what they wanted to say.

"(Fake/N) this is Professor Kingston." The manager introduced a man. He had platinum hair, sapphire orbs and had a mysterious aura.

Professor Kingston gave me a slight smile and bowed in respect. Being respectful, I also did a short bow.

" Your bags are in the car, now get a move on. " One of the ladies said. I stare deep into the ladies eyes and wondered...

Was I going to be able to escape this Hell ?

Present Time

" (Fake/N) - chan~ " a voice chimed.

" Lord Death" I walk right past Spirit Albarn, the person who called for me, you could hear crying on the background.

"Ah (Fake/N), long time no see ! How was the journey ?!" Death comically said.

" The journey was fine, I completed it," I say stoically ," what do you want me to do now?"

" Holiday time for you !" Death replied back, " I enrolled you in DWMA! Make new friends and enjoy the year-long vacation ! ! !"

My eyes were wide in shock. " Lord Death, I'm sure there are other important issues to worry about-" but before I could complain some more, I was dragged away...


Wow chapter 2 was released 1 year later! New Record !
+ I do not own Soul Eater... I wish I did.... * cries in corner
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(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Thanks for reading !

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