
6K 123 13

Wow, uh. This is a surprise.

This isn't a new chapter or anything. Just me coming in here to say thanks for all the love and support. The Stand is above 100K views.

Honestly I'm very surprised. Looking back through the story, there were a lot of things I'd change now. I'll include a list.

- Harry and Rishi bromance would become a focus

- A smaller cast. Most likely, Draco and Hermione would've been dropped. Neville and Daphne would've been moved to the background as would Padma and Parvati. The story would focus more on Harry and Rishi

- The Will would be properly written. OMFG I do not know why I wrote it that way and when I reread it, I wanna punch something.

- Snape wouldn't have been ignored since first year. I used him for a few brief moments in Harry's first year before shoving him to the side. I'd either make him an antagonist or make him more prominent

- No 5 animagus form bullshit. That was weird and they barely used any of the forms.

- Harry and Rishi would not be the supergeniuses that I made them. I would actually try and make them students, not preteens with adult brains

- More attention would've been put onto Dumbledore and the Weasley clan (who would not be Bosemans. I came up with the name randomly at the time and only know realize where I got it from). I would root their bashing in logic

A remastered version of the Stand is something I'll consider for the future. Right now, I've got other interests. I'm starting to do my own writing and I've enjoyed it a lot.

I hope everyone who's ready this has an amazing day. I'm TheActualRealOne and I hope I get to see you soon.

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