Dolores Umbridge

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"We need to study more" Hermione insisted.

"We don't need to" Rishi told her "We can just study like we normally do!"

"These are the OWL exams!" Hermione exclaimed "We can't just study like we normally do!"

"We can!" Rishi sighed, exasperated.

Harry was split between joining their debate and shutting both of them up. During the feast, Hermione suggested that they create an OWL study plan. No one was against it but when she explained it, Rishi opposed it. He said that they needed time away from academics. Since then, Harry and Padma watched Rishi and Hermione argue with each other.

"Now that we are all fed and watered" Harry turned to see Dumbledore speaking, and for once, was happy to hear him "Let us commence with our announcements for the year. Professor Grubby-Plank will be taking over Care of Magical Creatures and the Ministry of Magic has sent Dolores Umbridge to teach Defense Against Dark Arts. Make sure to give them a warm welcome. Next..."

"Hem hem" the toady woman known as Dolores Umbridge said"I would to say a few words."

"By all means, Dolores, go ahead" Dumbledore left the podium as Umbridge walked up to it.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends" Umbridge smiled at the kids though she didn't look very happy.

"I'd rather die" Rishi coughed as many people looked disgusted at this woman. Harry chuckled. She didn't seem to be making friends very quickly.

If she noticed the kids' reaction to her, Umbridge didn't show it "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizard of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school."

She gave Dumbledore a look which Harry couldn't figure out "Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

Umbridge left the podium as Dumbledore went back up "Thank you Professor Umbridge. That was really most illuminating."

Dumbledore then brought the feast to a close. The Prefects then began leading the first-years up so Harry and Hermione went to assist with that. While they made sure no first year fell out of step, Harry noticed that Rishi and Padma were walking together and seemed to be discussing something.

Later, after solving a riddle and sending the new students to bed, Harry and Rishi found themselves with their male yearmates. They were discussing girls (Corner wanted to know how both Harry and Rishi managed to get girlfriends) when Terry asked "What do you think of Umbridge?"

"She seems..." Anthony tried to find a word "Fine, I guess. But, we'll have to wait until Defense Class to find out."

Rishi shook his head "I already don't like her."

"Why" Corner asked.

"Her speech" Rishi explained "I agree, it was utter bullshit. I didn't listen to a single word. But then, Padma pointed something out to me. In her speech, she mentioned how the Ministry values education. A normal teacher wouldn't have mentioned the Ministry but she did. We also know that she works for the Ministry, under Minister Fudge."

The other 4 boys suddenly got it "The Ministry sent her here."

"They're interfering with Hogwarts" Terry summed up.

"This is unprecedented" Anthony said "Hogwarts and the Ministry have left each other alone but now..."

He stopped unable to describe what would come. Harry knew Anthony wasn't the best with words but he couldn't find a word himself. This was going to be weird.

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