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tw: methods of self harm are being mentioned!!!!











i love you too.

you kept quiet. all you heard were sniffles coming from suna.

"...i'll buy you tickets to see out the whole game. i can sneak you inside here, alright? is that fine?" suna asked.

i have to leave.

"yeah. we'll see." you stared.

"what?.." suna asked. "we'll see? ..we'll see?.." he repeated.

"mhm. i'm not gonna say yes then end up not going, y'know?"

"you aren't even gonna try..?" he mumbled.


"i can't do anything about it, suna."

"i can't either, but here i am, making the effort to see you, putting you first, like always. because i love y-"

"i gotta go."

you walk over towards the door, carrying your bags as suna was sitting on the bed, slouching over as his mood changed drastically.

"...you're not even sad about the fact that you're leaving? ..what the fuck?"

"don't speak for me."

"oh yeah, or ignore everything else i just fucking said, alright." suna murmured.

"cause i have to fucking go, and you're not letting me."

"because, obviously, i want you here with me, with us. who in their right mind would let someone so special move so far away without them being upset?"

"you act like we can't fucking see each other in the meantime!"

"because we fucking can't! i can't be fucking flying to your new place every damn day while i have so many other things on my plate. it's not gonna be as easy!" he broke.

you snapped, "listen, i don't have time for any of this.. bullshit," you raise your voice, suna flinching and staring at you with a worried look. "alright, suna? so quit acting like you're the only person who's feelings have been hurt right now."

he kept quiet. he stared down at the floor while he fidgeted with his fingers.

"alright." he mumbled.

the room quickly became quiet. you opened the door and began walking out the hotel room.

"..what am i to you?" he asked.

"you wanna do this now? at this fucking time? seriously suna? are you being deadass?" you laughed.

"i don't want you to laugh!!" he yelled. "answer.. the fucking.. question."

it took you quite a while to decide.

i'm just not there yet.

"my best friend."

"..why are you acting like this?" he continued.

"huh? you're asking me that question?.." you scoffed.

my light // r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now