Part8- He's Mine-Final Chapter.

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"And.. Shes back"

Chloe was in cardiac arrest but got back with the nurses help. Harry went back over to her and held her hand, 

"dont worry chlo, you will be ok"

Harry stayed with her all night, and did check on Thomas a few times.

Once two weeks had been, it was time for Chloe to be discharged. Thomas was going to be discharged tomorrow as he had a few problems, but were easing down so was ready tomorrow.

Just before they left, a nurse rushed over to Chloe and Harry..

"Its Thomas, his heart has stopped and we are trying everything we can"

you could see Chloe trying to hold in the tears, but as she got closer to the room, she saw that Thomas couldnt be saved. Nurses explained what had gone on, but her eyes just stayed on Tom's body. Harry ran out of the hospital, and after 5minuted Chloe and Joanne looked for him.

"Harry, you ok?"

"Chloe, Thomas was mine, not Zayn's"

From then on, Harry was depressed and had medical attension,  he soon got back to his feet and him and the boys got back to there schedule, Chloe left Harry and went back to live with her mum, soon found love with a man called Matt. Harry didnt find anyone else, he always had flashbacks. Louis and Joanne stayed together and so did Liam, Natalie and Niall and Mariana, and Zayn found love with a girl called Holly.  

Arthors note; i have finished it here because i havent got another idea to carry it on. If anyone wants to write a fanfic with me let me know:) Id happily do that! Also, i hope you like the storyline to my fanfic, its not the best. Thankyou for reading:)

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