The Greater Grail

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3rd POV:

This is it, the final battle, the end of this Holy Grail war.

Every master left alive, was sent a message via a familiar to meet at the Ryuudou Temple, yet the one who sent the message remains unknown.

At this moment, Shirou, Rin, Illya and Kazuki were standing on the temple ground alongside their servants.

Shirou: "Soooo...."

Rin: "Ok i'm gonna ask, what i think what was on everyone's mind, who sent the message?"

The other masters looked amongst themselvs, but nothing.

Illya: "I for one don't care, at this point you are all easy prey for my Berserker."

This put everyone on edge, except Shirou and Rin, they were waiting for a certain biker to show up.

Suddenly they could hear some voices in the distance coming from the stairscase of the temple.

???: "W-what do you mean you forgot the song!?" You know what? Screw it, screw it, j-just take my phone and hit random, no, just hit random, okay...3...2..."

Walking through the gates where, Duncan, Ashley, Elaine, Derek, Sakura alongside, Jalter, Scathach, Medusa, Gorgon, Morgan and Lobo.

While Duncan was walking like he was owning the damn place and donning a pair of shades... in the middle of the night, Ashley and Derek bareley could contain their laughter, Elaine and Sakura were giggling whithout stopping, as for Jalter, Scathach, Medusa, Gorgon and Morgan, they tried to retain a serious attitude but they failed miserably, que Jalter laughing like there's no tomorrow. The music was still going.

The other masters and servants could only watch slackjawed, to them it didn't felt like Duncan was walking in a war zone.

Duncan: "Well, i don't know about you guys, but i think it went smoothly." He said as takes of his shades.  "Where's the Lancer in blue? And why i have the urge to say lancer ga shinda?"

At that moment Duncan was having a flashback... about killing Kirei.

Duncan: "Oh no! Anyway...."

Derek: "Ok... that was awesome!" He said as he and Duncan fist pumped.

Ashley: "*sigh* This doesn't even feel like a war at all."

Scathach: "After that... it's to be expected."

Jalter: "Oh my God! Let's do it again!"

Duncan: "Later hun, now..." He said as he turned his attention towards the other masters and servants. "I'm gonna be honest with you all i was the one who sent the message."

Medea: "For what exactly? For us to be easy prey? Having so many servants by your side must an easy win, so why bother waiting?"

Duncan: "All in due time." He then looked at the archer in red. "Archer remind me to talk to you later, i have something to give you."

Archer: "Huh, fine sens- i mean Duncan." He hurriedly corrected himself.

Duncan: "Now for the real reason that you are here..."

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