Chapter 2: First Warning

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One year earlier

    Today, in the early morning, Carl Roberts is in his small old house. Taking a cup of coffee and his own history book, he sits down in front of his T.V. He had the news on, which he never really enjoyed watching, but he felt that he had too. Sometimes it made him depressed about knowing everything that was going on in the world, but he liked knowing the truth and accepting it, than just pretending that it wasn’t there.

    “Economy is dropping horrendously,” said the news lady “Walgreens and Toy R Us are going out of business. I think it is a shame that these two businesses have to leave to like this.”

    “Yes, I agree Janet,” said a news man. “Stay turn for The President giving a live speech on what he plans on doing with the economy, next on NBC.”The News turned back to commercials, and Carl went through what he was going to be teaching his students this morning. The number of students he had would drop each day. People could not afford college anymore, especially his class, if it was only about history.

   BREAKING NEWS, flashing the television screen.  

    “Just now we have gotten word that a building in Chicago, suddenly exploded in smoke and flames! The bombs must have been placed inside the building. Fortunately, there was no one inside the building when it occurred. We have gotten word from The Manager of the building, that it blew up when he was about to open the door. He said he hesitated because of a sign taped on the door that wrote 'This is your warning."

    Meanwhile, at The White House, The President is getting ready for his speech about the economy.

   The President sat in his office, looking over his notes when a recently voted Senator, and The Speaker of The House steped in.

   "Hello Mr. President." Said the Speecher of the House, "Mr. Kuzmin has been wanting to meet you for a long time." She said pointing to the Senator.

   "Oh, Hello Mr. Kuzmin, and welcome to the Senate." The President said, shaking his hand.

   "Thankyou sir," said Mr. Kuzmin.

   "We are airing in 2 minutes." a voice called from outside of the office.

    "Excuse Me," The Pesident said, walking out of the office and the Speaker of the House followed. Leaving Mr. Kuzmin allone, he slipt a mini microphone in a pencil mug on The President's desk.

    "We are on in 5,4,3,2," said the camera man

     "Citizens of America, We all know that the economy is at it's lowest. It will take awhile to change that. So right now I..."

     Carl clicked the off botton on the T.V. It was time for him to walk to college to teach his remaining students. He took his coat from his closet, and walked out of his old house. It was the same house his parents lived in. They died when he was 18, and not have any close relatives, he took the resposiblity as soon as he became an adult to take care of himself, and that house. Could he have bought a better one? Sure he could have, but not now with the low economy. Plus, he wanted to put his money to better use.

    As he walked down the street, a breeze of sadness brushed his heart. There were poor families out on the street. Poor children, clinging to their parents, all dirty and cold. Their eyes showed the memories of painful, starving nights. There were of all ages, one was an old women with barely enough strength to hold up her money cup.

   Carl felt horrible, and greedy. He had a house, and they didn't. Just than, a business man looking rushed began to walk across the sidewalk with the homeless people sitting around it. Carl, and all the homeless people on the sidewalk, watched the man, wearing a suit and tie, who walked fast across the sidewalk. As he pasted all the homless people, he avoid eye contact, as they all stared at him. Soon he got to the end of the sidewalk when he crossed the street, with not a look of sympathy on his face.

    Angered by his actions, Carl ran back inside his house. He opened his closet, taking out spare blankets. Than, he headed into his kitchen, where he took out his left over chinese food and a jug of milk. He grabbed plastic forks and cups from his kitchen drower,and ran back outside, giving each person a spare blanket, a cup of chinese food, and a glass of milk. He prosimised to bring more during his lunch break.

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