Part 1

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I'm sorry about my last story, I didn't feel like it was going anywhere and it actually made we not want to write anymore, but now I'm ready to start writing again and this one will be interesting👍🏼
(Just a side note: I love reading comments and I really appreciate them, you don't have to comment but I promise I read them)
Ok now for some context: I'm Felicity and Draco is my twin. My dad should I say? Hates me. And the reason that he does is because, well, I'll explain in a little. ⬇️

First Year: on the Hogwarts Train
Draco and I sat down in an empty compartment together.
"Draco, have you heard that Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. He's in our year!" I exclaimed.
"I know!" He responded, equally as excited. "Imagine being friends with the one and only Harry Potter!"
"I wonder what house he'll be sorted into...we should talk to him, no?"
"We can, if you want." he looked unsure.
"Let's go." I stood up and saw a toad passing by. Suspecting it was someone's pet, I attempted to grab it, but I didn't. I saw the toad jump into a compartment, so I followed it.
"Merlins beard, slow down!" Draco exclaimed but I still didn't.
I stepped into the compartment and there was two boys (first years Im guessing). I picked up the toad. "Hi, I'm Parvati Malfoy." I held out my hand for the red headed boy to shake.
I already knew who he was. It was obvious, wasn't it? He had red hair and a worn out robe. This was a Weasley. But I didn't say anything and just smiled, though Father talks badly about them.
"Malfoy?" The Weasley said. He looked at the other boy who just shrugged his shoulders. Hesitantly, the Weasley boy shook my hand. "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."
"And I'm-" the other boy began but got cut off by a girl coming in.
"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy Neville has lost one." the girl said.
"Yea, actually." I held out the toad and the girl took it.
"I-I'm Harry Potter." the boy form before finished.
My eyes widened. "You're joking, aren't you?"
"Holy cricket! I'm Hermione Granger," she looked at Ron, "and, you are?"
"Ron Weasley."
"Pleasure..." she walked out.
I stayed there in silence for a bit. "Well I should get back to my brother. I'll see you two at the sorting ceremony." I smiled then left.
As I was leaving I overheard Harry speaking, "Why'd you look at me weirdly when she said Malfoy?"
"Because, everyone knows how the Malfoy's are. They're wicked and cruel. Especially Lucius, their dad, and I don't suppose their any different."
I only scoffed and walked away. "That's a lot coming from a Weasley." I rolled my eyes.
I went back to my compartment. "Why'd you run away like that? You must be mental if you thought I was going to chase you." He shook his head.
"That was the whole point." I smiled fakely then looked away.

The sorting Ceremony
I took a boat to Hogwarts and then we had to wait in the castle for a bit. Then suddenly Draco burst out, "So it's true then, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." he got in front of Harry, "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."
Ron laughed which cause Draco and I to have the same expression.
"You think my name is funny do you?!" Draco exclaimed. "No need to ask yours, red hair, and a hand-me-down robe, you must be a Weasley." he snarled. "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are better than other Potter, you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort."
"See what I mean? The Malfoy's are cruel." Ron looked Draco up and down.
"It's not all the Malfoy's," I stepped in, "plus it's not cruel, it's more dramatic, right, Draco?" I smiled.
"That's the biggest bloody lie I've ever-" Draco began.
I looked at Harry while smiling, and he smiled back.
"Get away you two, no one needs you here." Ron sneered.
"That's grand coming from you, Weasley." I made a disgusted face.
"Ok, that's enough!" McGonagall interrupted. "They're ready for you."
We all walked into the Great Hall. Everybody was staring at us.
Dumbledore explained everything to us then McGonagall started calling out names. "Hermione Granger." she called out.
"I met her on the train." I whispered to Draco.
"Huh," he looked her up and down with a rude face.
"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat called out.
"Ugh, imagine being sorted into filthy Gryffindor." Draco rolled his eyes.
"Ron Weasley!" McGonagall yelled.
He got sorted into Gryffindor too.
"Draco Malfoy!" She called.
Draco didn't even have the hat fully on it's head before it called out Slytherin.
"Parvati Malfoy!" she called and I went up.
"A Malfoy, eh?" The sorting hat began, "You'd think the answer would be obvious, every Malfoy has gone into Slytherin...certainly you could do amazing things in that house...but there's more, definitely..."
Now I started to have a little panic. What does that stupid hat mean?! I'm a Slytherin and I know that! My whole family had been-
"You are no Slytherin!" The hat scolded my thoughts.
I made eye contact with Draco and he looked confused.
"It better be...Gryffindor!" The hat called.
I felt my eyes get wide. There wasn't as many cheers for me as the other students were. They were probably as shocked as I was.
No, no, no. Fathers going to kill me! H-he already told us, any house except Gryffindor!
With shaky legs, I stood up and managed to walk to Gryffindor table. I had sat next to Ron. Instead of talking I just put my head down, and it stayed that way for a while.
Until I heard McGonagall call, "Harry Potter!"
I say him slowly walk up to the hat. Until finally he was sorted into Gryffindor. He came and sat next to me.
"You're Parvati, right?" Harry asked me.
"Yea..." I said slowly.
"You don't look exactly happy to be in Gryffindor." Hermione looked at me weirdly.
"Well what do you think?! My whole family had gone into Slytherin, what in the bloody hell am I going to do? And my father's going to kill me!" I exclaimed.
"I doubt that any parent would be that harsh on their child for not making the house they wanted them to." Hermione tilted her head and Harry nodded in agreement with her.
"You two obviously haven't heard of the Malfoy's." Ron slightly laughed.
"And Draco got into Slytherin. He's my bloody twin shouldn't we have been in the same house?!"
"I'm'll be fine..." Harry touched my shoulder hesitantly.
"Yea, I'll help you through it." Hermione said.
I didn't say anything out loud, but who in the bloody world will two first years prevent my father from hating me? Yea, they won't.

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