Part 3

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I found Harry in the common room.
"Hey, are you ready for Hogsmead?" Harry asked.
"Yea, but I actually invited that ok?" I said hesitantly.
"But I thought-why Malfoy?" He looked at me with a confused face. "You said you couldn't stand him."
"He's not that bad."
"Yea, not bad at all." He rolled his eyes.
"Come on, Harry. Just be friendly to him."
"I can do that, I'm not so sure that he can though." We stepped out of the common room and met Draco in the Great Hall.
"Ugh, Potter's here." Draco sneered.
"Yea, I told you that yesterday." I made the same face as him.
"See what I mean, he's a git." Harry whispered to me.
"I know, maybe just don't talk to him."
"Did Granger and Weasley not want to come, or are they on their honeymoon or something?" Draco smiled.
"They aren't dating, Malfoy." Harry scoffed.
"Oh yea, sure they aren't. I always knew Weasley would settle for a muggle-" Draco began.
"Shut up, Draco." I looked at him coldly.
"Ugh, Potter's making you soft." He looked at me and then rudely at Harry.
"It's having good morals, Draco, you should get some."
"Nah, there always has to be someone like me or else everyone would be too nice, people need to know what to real world is like." He smiled proudly.
"That's," Harry paused, "completely vile."
"Oh you're the own to talk, Potter, sarcasm isn't a good personality trait."
"Yea because you're not sarcastic at all, huh?" Harry scowled back.
"Can you both shut up, I'm going to get a head ache!" I exclaimed.
"That's what they have pills for." Draco did a fake smile.
"You're such a twat, Draco." I shoved him but it did nothing.
"You shouldn't have even invited him!" Harry let out a puff of air.
"You shouldn't even be hanging around Potter," Draco told me, "if Father found out-"
"Yea well he won't, ok?" I shook my head.
"That's what you think." We all stopped outside the Three Broomsticks.
Harry went inside, but Draco and I stayed outside the shop.
"He's a bloody lunatic." Draco scoffed, "That Potter-"
"Did you ever stop and think that you're the problem?!"
"Um, no." He smiled. "That's not possible."
"If you don't want to be here then you can leave." I stepped into the inn.
"Yea that's a grand idea, isn't it?" Draco followed. "You know we aren't allowed to go to Hogsmead by ourselves, if I go back alone then they'll think I came alone."
I simply ignored him and sat down with Harry.
He began to speak but I cut him off.
"I know he's a twat, Harry. I shouldn't have brought him.
A waiter came to our table. "What would you two like?" They dragged their words.
"Two butter beers please." Harry smiled at him but he just walked away.
"Seems like everyone is acting like a twat, so at least Malfoy isn't alone." Harry rolled his eyes.
"You know Draco-"
"I know what you're going to say. 'Draco isn't that bad, he's actually nice' yea well he's also you're brother."
"Draco just wants to be your friend, so don't go off on me and put words in my mouth if you don't even know what you're talking about, Harry." I gave him the same amount of attitude.
As soon as I said that I softened up my face. "Harry, it's fine now. Draco went somewhere else, so let's not even think about him."
"Yea, are you excited for the Tri-Wizard Tournament? I know a few people who have already entered."
"I think you'd have to be bloody mad to enter that tournament." I slightly laughed.
The waiter brought us our butter beers then walked away.
I took a sip of mine then made a horrid face. "I hate butter beer, I don't know why I get it every time."
"Yea me too. I don't see why everyone thinks it's so good. Hermione's a maniac for it."
Just then Dean and Seamus came into the inn. "Hey, Harry," he waved, "Parvati." he smiled at me and I smiled back.
Seamus waved and they went to a separate table.
"Dean...fancies know that, right?" Harry said slowly as he took another sip of butter beer, only to make a disgusted face after.
"Really? I didn't know." My eyes followed Dean as he walked across the inn.
"W-well you don't fancy h-him, do you?"
"Dean is-" I turned towards Harry, "a fine looking guy isn't he?"
"I mean, he just-he's not really-"
"He's tall, and handsome."
"Not really." Harry muttered.
"Oh yea right." I slightly shoved Harry. Dean sat down and started talking with his friends. "Yea, I fancy him."
Harry and I left the shop and started to walk back to Hogwarts.
"You know Harry," I put my arm around him, "I've read about the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and along with the tournament there's always a ball."
"A ball? Like a dance?"
"Yea, exactly like a dance...I think." I rearranged my scarf with my free hand.
"Oh, so with dates?"
"Yes, and I was thinking," I stopped Harry and stood in front of him, "what if, now hear me out on this, you were to help me and Dean go to the dance together?"
Harry made a confused face. "Yea...I don't know-"
"Harry, if I fancy Dean, and he fancies me, then wouldn't it make sense for us to go to the dance together?"
"Look, when is this dance?" Harry said sassily.
"During the winter, like Christmas, maybe?"
"Yea so that is a lot of time for things to change."
"Ugh," I put my arm back around him and started walking again. "If you help me then I can help you. So, who do you fancy?"
"I-well, no one." He stammered.
"Yea, right. You're nervous, I can tell."
"No I'm not-"
"You're blushing like crazy, Harry." I looked at him and he looked at me.
"Ok the truth is-"
"Parvati!" I heard Draco call my name. "What'd I tell you about fraternizing with the enemy?"
I took my arm away from Harry and looked at Draco rudely. "I thought you had gone back to Hogwarts."
"Well you were wrong." He smiled at me. "We're almost there though."
"Go away, Malfoy." Harry spat.
"I'd shut my mouth if I were you, Potter." Draco walked up to Harry, "Stay away from Parvati."
"Get the hell away, Draco." I shoved him back.
"You know, it would be a shame for someone to tell Father that you've been hanging out with Potter." He scowled at me then went off on a separate trail.
"I really hate him." I let out a breathe of air.
"Let's just go back to Hogwarts." Harry slowly and hesitantly put his arm around my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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