Short scuffles

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"We need to keep down this stupid path or we'll get lost." "Well yeah obviously."

Jeez Tsuyo, shut up and stop stating the obvious.

Here was Rei again, thinking about whether or not Tsuyo and her should be friends. She had taken a liking to cold, quiet, Tsuyo once their cart journey had started. After all, they couldn't be that different? They didn't know each other's reasons for taking the ride to the city, but at this point, they were walking down the same dirt path together. And that is all that mattered to Rei.

I don't need friends anyway.

She knew that wasn't true. But she continued to stay dead quiet as they walked down the path

The sun was beginning to set in the forest. The duo had been walking all day. But a night in the forest was dark and cold. The darker it got, the more iridescent the mushrooms seemed to be. Now both women could see the true amount of fungus growing on the forest path. It was almost magical, for it seemed the whole forest floor was glowing. Each mushroom glowed its color, making the overgrown, dirt path seem like a walkway to heaven. The whole forest was like something out of a Disney movie. Tsuyo cleared her throat and asked Rei a question. "Do you think we'll make it?"

She knew the answer to her question.

"Only if you don't bore me to death"

That was not the answer she expected.

Taking a few more steps further, the path abruptly ended. The dirt walkway in front of them simply turned to more grass and trees. Looking at each other first, they both took steps of the path and continued into the forest, gripping their spears tightly. The terrain around them became more curved, the flat forest floor slowly curving until the trees in the forest cleared around the two. In front of the duo was a large hill. Large mushrooms grew surrounding it, almost like they replaced the trees.

What is that...

"Tsuyo, Do you see that?" Tsuyo didn't say anything back, as she was much too busy gawking at the sight in front of her. The hill looked as if it was moving. Taking a step closer they realized the hill in front of them was infested with the tiny mushroom creatures. Except that this time they looked different. Most of the mushrooms they had been seeing earlier looked cute, but these mushrooms looked slightly bigger, more like the forest itself, covered in moss. You could see their legs, tall and lanky. Rei held her spear in front of her, ready to walk forward into the view of the creatures. But then she felt an arm in front of her. "Rei, I think we can go around them." She stopped for a moment before putting her arm back down and speaking again. "It would be better than risking getting hurt before we get close to any help." Rei looked at her and sighed, getting impatient. "Well, then let's get moving. We don't have all day do we?" Tsuyo gave her a playful look and took a step to her left, making sure to stay behind the trees. Rei followed a few steps behind her, making sure to be careful as well.

The space to the other side of the clearing was only about 30 meters long. And they seemed to be about halfway. The trees and bushes provided as much cover as they needed, although the further they went, the harder it was to see. The mushrooms covering the clearing were still swarming the hill. Not noticing the two girls walking slowly around them. Suddenly a loud crunch was heard from below Rei's foot. Both girls froze dead in their tracks. Rei had stepped on a pile of dead leaves and twigs. Everything was now quiet, except for a low rumble. Quickly snapping their head towards the sound, they were now facing the empty hill. Their rumbling sound was getting louder, and looking down they realized the creatures were stampeding towards them. Seeing the rushing mob of creatures, both girls darted straight ahead. Pushing through layers of the thick forest the creatures were not far behind. They were weaving around the trees and avoiding the burnt branches strewn across the forest floor. Every piece of the landscape looked the same, and it was getting easier to avoid the crevices and obstacles in the ground. Rei quickly looked behind them, but the mushrooms were still running towards them. "Tsuyo, can you run any faster?!" "Of course not! What do you think I'm doing, Relaxing?!" And with that, a loud thud could be heard behind Rei. Tsuyo, not paying attention, tripped over a bundle of dead branches. Rei quickly circled behind her and threw a yelling Tsuyo over her back. The mushrooms were gaining on the two, and now Rei was definitely slower carrying Tsuyo. Rei began looking more into her surroundings, the sound of running water coming from her left. "Tsuyo! Do you trust me?" Tsuyo, face buried in Reis' back, replied with a hum. Rei made a sharp turn to her left, nearly running into a tree with a sudden turn. Tsuyo let out a small yelp before hissing at Rei to be more careful. Coming upon the forest creek, She began to run faster, preparing for the jump across the water. Rei could feel the smaller girl's hands digging into her back, and could hear the muffled yells coming from her mouth. But all that she was paying attention to was the leap across. Using all the strength in her calves, she propelled herself forward, launching the two over the creek.

How am I supposed to land safely with her on my back?!

Panicked thoughts ran through her head as the two descended upon the ground. And tumbling down the small incline of the other side, both looked up to the side of the creek. Clutching their spears tightly in hand they brought themselves up on their feet, waiting to see if the mushrooms would follow. The low rumble of the ground shaking told that the creatures were still following them. Soon, you could see the red-topped mushrooms breaching the top of the ridge. The duo stood their ground, assuming that the mushrooms would stay on the opposing side. The ground on the edge of the ridge was cracked and crumbling, the dry rock exposed and fragile. A group of mushrooms pushed past the rest and fell into the water, quickly being swept away by the force of the stream. A small handful remained still at the peak, making no noise. Tsuyo and Rei remained still as well, still holding desperately onto the hope that the creatures would not cross. Tsuyo took another step back, hearing a loud crack and stumbling back forward. Both of them looked backward; they saw a deep chasm, almost 5 times the size of the space between them and the mushrooms. If one of them stepped back far enough, they would surely fall. The mushrooms in front of them had now begun to make small noises, like the soft squeaks of a rat, some making the sound of old door hinges. And the group was starting to move around, forming a line heading back into the forest. Still facing the creatures, both women moved closer to one another, the uncertainty settling in. A few more of the lined up mushrooms lunged forward, yet still falling into the creek and being swept away. The line moved forward again. This time the mushrooms in the line began stacking on top of the first, forming a small tower. The space around them was now silent, except for the sound of the running water. The mushroom tower tipped forward, heading straight towards the girls. The duo dashed to opposite sides, avoiding the mushrooms toppling towards them.

The creatures had formed a bridge connecting both sides, and the remaining mushrooms had begun to cross and head to the two girls.

We're gonna die.

Rei spun towards the mushroom bridge, impaling the first creature with her spear. With the mushroom now stuck on her weapon, she used it to hit off a few mushrooms heading down towards them. Tsuyo, choosing not to use her spear just yet, grabbed a mushroom and threw it in the river, she felt the teeth of the creature embedded itself in her arm. She took her spear in her other hand and flipped it around, using the blunt end like a baseball bat, hitting off the newer mushrooms trying to attack her. A strange black ooze came out of the mushrooms when scattered, and the liquid was beginning to get all over the forest floor and into the water. Tsuyo let out a surprised yell and three more of the mushrooms jumped up on her. Rei, having cleared all the creatures around ran towards Tsuyo and dragged the remaining creature off of her. Both of them turned to the remaining creature bridge. The sound of more creatures was sounding out through the forest. Tsuyo lifted her leg and brought it down hard on the first mushroom, causing it to let go. Each mushroom Fell into the creek, letting out loud squeals as they were swept farther and farther away.

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