{Chapter 1}

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The stars outside your window were barely obscured by the buildings opposite to the base, softly glittering against an ink black sky. After a discourteous introduction from the man now known as 'Illuso', you were directed towards your new room and had spent the rest of your afternoon unpacking the necessities, the décor and majority of your wardrobe still left in the trunk of your car for the time being.

     Your stomach had been rumbling insistently for the past fifteen minutes, forcing you to stop for the time being for a food break. Seeing as the house was quiet for the most part since your arrival, you would have guessed that everyone else had gone out to eat. With that, you made your way to the kitchen downstairs and started to scavenge, or at least take inventory for what  you could buy tomorrow.  

         Behind you, the stairs creaked softly, causing you to turn your head away from the pantry to face the source. At the bottom of the stairway stood a figure with tall green hair and a long coat, staring at you with wide eyes. after a few moments of silence, neither of you seeming to make the first move, you waved with an awkward smile "I'm... just looking for snacks. Sorry if I bothered you," That seemed to snap him out of his daze, giving a small nod  before turning his attention to the cabinets on the opposite end of the kitchen. 

   After a few moments of him rummaging through the cupboards, he lets out a quiet huff. "Looking for anything specific?" he looks over to you, a hint of surprise on his face before nodding.

 "Uh- yeah, sorry." He pulls an empty cracker box from the cabinet, showing it to you. "Do you see any more of these in the pantry?" You turn around to look through the pantry again once more, shaking your head after not having found anything. 

"Doesn't seem like it, sorry." You make an internal note, considering you haven't come across a lot of snack foods left, or anything to actually cook. Maybe they don't get the opportunity to homecooked meals often? 

"That's crumby," he mutters behind you, looking over your shoulder into the pantry while still keeping a comfortable distance. the barely audible pun makes you freeze, slowly turning to look at him . a small smile spread across your face, your sudden attention making him fidget in place. 

"Dude," you whisper, slowly pulling out a box of goldfish. "That was pretty cheesy, not gonna lie," a bright smile bloomed across his face


  As light conversation, introductions, and puns carried on, your voices were kept hushed as to not disturb anyone possibly still in the base. The awkward yet strangely comforting small talk and jokes exchanged between the two of you proved to quell the anxieties that have been knowing at you ever since being assigned to the team. However, such a feeling didn't last long as you heard the front door open and shut, followed by irritated grumbling. Pesci grew quiet, moving to look through the small archway connecting the kitchen and the living room. 

"Looks like fra is home... come on, you should really meet him while you have the chance," he coaxes, ushering you over to reveal your presences completely to his 'fra'. "You're home! Did the mission go well?" 

"Nothing I couldn't handle, as usual. You speak as if I'm not the professional who trained you."

  An unfamiliar voice spoke up as you moved to stand in the doorway, watching the two interact. However, this new figure seemed to make you freeze up, unsure if you were actually allowed to speak up and introduce yourself at any point.

"And you are?" he man questioned, all attention directed towards you.

"Oh, this... This is the new member, y/n. They just arrived today"

He steps closer to you, he looked you up and down, piercing eyes seeming to criticize your every move.

  With blonde, tidy hair and a pressed suit, his image was that of a man that commanded respect from those around him. Piercing icy blue eyes looked you up and down. This alone was enough to make you feel uncomfortably aware of your own presence, shifting in place as you tried to avoid meeting his gaze.

"I might as well introduce myself while I have you here. My name is Prosciutto, but until you're able to prove your worth in this team, you will refer to me as signore only. Our current capo is currently out on a mission and will be back by tomorrow to properly debrief you. Until then, you will answer solely to me, as I am second in command. Do I make myself clear?"

'Yes, signore," you muttered shyly, toying with your sleeve.

  Considering the teammates you had already met, you began to fear that Pesci would be the only one on the team accepting of you, the thought leaving a heavy knot in your throat. Pesci turned to you with furrowed brows. with a small smile, you traded goodnights as you made your way back up the stairs to your room, shakily locking the door as you collapsed onto your bed. Lets hope that the rest of them weren't as cold, otherwise you don't know how you could truly survive on la squadra.


Authors note: Ham man is a jerk filled to the brim with toxic masculinity and ideals, *please* change my mind for my sake and yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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