Promise Me <3

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He climbed up the rope ladder he sent me earlier that day to go up my balcony. I had to bite my lip hard from laughing at his extreme stunt. The ladder was shaky and so unstable, but he said he'd do anything just to hold me. Just the thought made my cheeks flush red. He missed a step slightly his foot hovering over nothing but air. 

I gasped. "Be careful!" I whispered harshly.  

If my dad caught us I'd be sent into eternal punishment and will never be able to see Harry. Then again I'm already on punishment, that's why he was sneaking in now. He looked up grinning a clever smile and winked.  

I scowled. "Don't mess with me like that!!" I said then clamped my hand over my mouth.  

'Too loud' I thought, listening out for any noise inside my home. 'Good Nothing' I thought with a sigh. I looked back over the edge to see if he was almost up and Harry pressed his soft lips to mine.  

"Mmmmm, do you know how long I've waited for that?" He whispered against my lips. I smiled.  

"Let me think almost a month?" I got on punishment two and a half weeks ago for partying late with Harry and a couple of other friends.  

"Don't remind me" he said climbing the rest of the way in. He stepped closer as I took a step back inside. He gave me a cheeky grin, dimples showing. 

"Come on" he said with a pout, arms out. 

As much I wanted to jump into his arms, tug on those curls, and kiss those soft lips. I also wanted to tease him, see how much he really missed me. I flashed him a grin and winked still walking backwards seductively. He walked in from the balcony pulling in the rope and slid the door closed.  

"Are you really going to tease me? Knowing I'm desperate right now?" He said stalking forward accessing me with his eyes, wetting his bottom lip, tongue slowly sliding out making me bite my lip. My face flushed as I almost gave in.  

"I missed you....a lot" he said grabbing hold of my hand pulling me close.

"I missed you more" I replied standing on my toes kissing his neck softly. A small moan vibrated through his chest. Not being able to see him for two weeks and touch him because of the punishment it's hard for a girl.

He laughed silently and whispered into my ear. "Oh Bree you just don't know" with that said he held my face in his huge hands and kissed me. One of his hands slid around my waist leaving a trail of Goosebumps in its place. Pulling me closer, closing the space that was once between us. "I missed this too" he replied huskily with a grin.

He lifted me up and laid me on my queen sized bed. My legs wrapped around his slim waste, I pulled him down with me. Our soft and sweet kisses became intense and more passionate. His tongue begged for entrance on my lips and I accepted, our tongues mingled, the warmth of our breaths colliding. My hands roamed all over his chiseled body as I took his blazer off. He started kissing my neck his hands on my thighs, showing because of the short pj pants I was wearing. I ached for more; he always makes me feel like this. I flipped over to straddle him and he sat there holding me close. I trailed my hands down his chest and lifted his white shirt, taking it off. I was mesmerized by his tattoos and the two birds he's gotten on his chest. I started to trace them.

"I like these" I whispered, he was caught off guard and looked down at what I was referring to.

"Oh yeah I just recently got these" he has so many it's hard to keep count. I didn't care about the tattoos as long as I've got him he can get a hundred for all I cared. OK maybe not that many.

"How many are you planning to get Harold?" I asked as he grinned at my tone of voice. He said when I called him Harold I sounded like his mum.

"Well mum" he replied nibbling my neck. "I'm planning to get another, named after a certain Mrs. Styles" I froze then sighed.

"You don't want me as a wife Harry, I come with....with too many complications and-"  

"I don't care, I want you, Bree. I love you and all of your flaws, They're beautiful." He replied with determination, furrowing his eyebrows, green orbs burning into mine. I bit my lip staring back into his gorgeous eyes. He really does love me and I love him, guess were just going to have to make it work.

I nodded and kissed his lips softly. Pulling back just an inch before whispering "I love you" I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my hands in his curls. "I love you so much" I said again, butterflies swarming in the pit of my stomach. I told him this many times before but every time I said it just felt more and more real. He grinned.

"Not as much as I Love You." He laid back and I settled on top of him. He started humming a sweet melody as always and everything was more and more perfect. Couldn't get any better.  "Bree?" He asked softly.

"Mm?" I murmured listening to his steady heartbeat that slowly started speeding up. 'Is he nervous?' I thought.

"I have a question" he said and I lifted my head, resting my chin on his chest.

"Well, what is it Harry?"  

"Well I never want to leave you." 

"Uh huh" I said slowly getting a bit uneasy, by the change of his voice.

"And well I want you to promise to never leave me, to always be with me babe" I sat up when he did.

"Of course. I promise Harry. I'd never leave." I laughed softly at the ridiculousness of his statement. He held my hand and slipped something onto my finger. I pulled my hand back slightly and saw a silver promise ring. Tears started to brim my eyes. "H-Harry" I said weakly and he held my face once again in those hands of his.

"You promise not to leave me and I promise to never leave you, I love you oh so much and I hope to one day make you Mrs. Styles whatever it takes" I blinked as my tears welled up in my eyes and started to spill down my face without consent. "Don't cry" he said wiping my tears away with the pad of his thumb.

"I promise I won't" I murmured glancing at the ring again. I hugged him tightly as he kissed my forehead.

"Like I'd let you" he murmured against my temple. And I gave a soft laugh. He leaned back again getting comfy and got underneath my comforter, he held it open for me and I climbed right in beside him. He pulled me close to him, taking me in his strong arms. I nuzzled my head against his chest. He kissed the top of my head, breath moving my hair slightly. 'I guess it could get better.' I thought before a haze of sleep invaded me. I yawned and fell asleep listening to a slow and steady heartbeat and a melodic hum of Harry's voice.


SHORT! I know but this is only the first, sweet right?!?! (: Loads of Love to My Awesome Editor @MommyDirectionxx you all should FAN Her like Now Shes Awesome as fudgeeee ;DD

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-Bree <3

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