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Wilson turned the doorknob to his office, upon opening the door he was met with House, sitting in his seat. Wilson sighed. "What do you want?" House thought for a moment. "hmm. nothing." He replied as he struggled to stand up. "Well you're obviously here for a reason, what is it?" Wilson wasn't buying it. House said nothing but maintained eye contact with Wilson. He considered answering for a moment but quickly changed his mind and walked out. Wilson let out a frustrated sigh and sat down to finish his paperwork.

House walked as quickly as his pained leg could take him. He made his way towards the elevators, hoping that nobody would bother him. that wish was quickly shattered as Foreman approached him. As House stopped in front of the elevator, he turned his head far away from Foreman, jokingly trying not to notice him. "House." Foreman said sternly "Oh, what a surprise to see you! what are you doing here?" House asked sarcastically. "Why aren't you on clinic duty?" Foreman ignored his antics. House thought for a moment. "Its my day off." "You don't get a day off." Foreman was tired of House's constant slacking.

Ding~ House stepped into the elevator and put a hand up, as to stop Foreman from entering. "I do now." He said smugly


House sat in front of his old TV. He ignored the continuous rings on his pager of Foreman trying to get him to come back. He was about to doze of when his phone rang. groggily picking it up, House answered the phone. "what?" "can I come over for the night?" It was Wilson on the other end. he continued "Sam dumped me.. she wants the apartment to herself tonight and everybody else I've called is already asleep." "ohno." House sarcastically faked a concerned tone. "Well?" Wilson pressed. "I don't care, the door is unlocked." House hung up right after responding and closed his eyes for a second time.

Bang bang bang~ House woke up to pounding at the door. He angrily stood up, keeping the pressure off his bad leg and limped to the door. "Seriously" he said to Wilson who stood on the other side of the doorway. "I thought you said it was unlocked." Wilson walked past House making his way to the couch. House followed behind him but before he could get another word in, Wilson had already sat down. 

"That's my spot." House was annoyed now at the unwanted guest. "you can sit beside me." Wilson responded, eyes fixed on the TV. House gave him a death glare and Wilson reluctantly moved over, giving House his spot back. "what, did you come here for rebound sex?" House joked "because that can be arranged." Wilson sat for a second, taking in what House just said. "what?" Wilson waited for an answer but didn't get one. He decided to play along and said "well, if it weren't for you being with Cuddy, then maybe things would be different."

"Cuddy and I broke up." House said bluntly. Wilson let out a small laugh, but then it hit him. "wait.. seriously?" "yep." House replied in a strained voice while he reached for his glass of water. "Oh wow. I'm.. sorry." Wilson wasn't quite sure what to say, he thought they would have lasted longer than this. "Wait.." Wilson thought back. "does that mean you're serious about the sex thing too?"

"That depends." House stood up, heading toward the bathroom "Do you want me to be?" Wilson did nothing but stare until House shut the bathroom door behind himself.

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