Chapter 9: Death is Just Another Beginning

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Asdey pulled her horse to a halt. “Did you guys feel that?”

“Yeah I did” Chandra replied pulling up next to her.

“Something major happened. I think it involved Jean.” Versary added.

“Tellope can you see anything?” Asdey asked turning in her saddle.

Tellope shook her head. “I cant see what’s going on but I know by the feeling.” She said, a small catch in her voice.

“Well what just happened?” Versary asked.

“Jean sacrificed herself so that we could live.” Tellope relied as a tear ran down her cheek.

The others all stopped and stared at Tellope. “No you have to be wrong!” Chandra yelled.

“I’m not. Even you guys can feel that something has happened. I guess I just get a clearer picture cause I’m a psychic. But she is gone.” Tellope replied, bowing her head.


Billie Jean opened her eyes and looked up at a clear blue sky. She felt more calm and relaxed then she had in years. Nothing seemed to bother her.

Sitting up slowly she realized she was in a large, open field full of wild flowers. There were rolling hills as far as the eye could see. It was also very quiet. Not a bird chirped.

Billie Jean climbed to her feet. If this was death she had no complaints. She did wonder where Julie and Bob were though.

‘Maybe I’ll be able to see more if I climb to the top of one of these hills.’ She thought as she started for the closest one.

It was an easy walk, almost as if she was gliding. In no time she was standing at the top of the hill. She still couldn’t see anyone. “well where is everyone?”

“The in ‘Heaven’ I guess you could call it” came Hanks voice.

Billie Jean turned around, poised to attack . What she saw though caused her to pause.

Hank stood behind her, or parts of him did. Parts of his body were missing. For instance he was missing his left arm, half his face and his right leg.

“Hank what happened? Why are you here? How are you here?” Billie Jean asked.

Hank smiled. “Tellope killed me Jean. Don’t worry, I’m glad she did. If she hadn’t well, there’d be less of me here then there is.”

“But…why are there parts of you missing?”

“It’s the Taurus curse. It tainted my soul, and since this is where Darks go only the parts that were still Dark came here.”

“If this is where the Darks go when they die, where is everyone?” Billie Jean asked looking around.

“Think of this as the front porch. We can only go in if we are invited. I cant go in because I’m not fully Dark anymore.”

“Then why can’t I go in?” Billie Jean asked, slightly worried.

“Because your not really dead.” Came a new voice.

Hank and Billie Jean turned to see Tomkin walking towards them. “What do you mean I’m not dead? Oh my god don’t tell me you died too!”

Tomkin smiled and shook his head. “No, no I didn’t die. Violet created an ice barrier that I couldn’t get past until she died. When it disappeared I took off towards you guys. Since I’m neither light or dark I didn’t know what had happened. As of right now your body is laying in the hospital wing, completely unscathed.”

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