Chapter 5-Friends should stick together

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Versary turned in her bed and smiled at Augustine before leaning over and lightly kissing him. It was the one time a week that Augustine came back to be with Versary and they were certainly enjoying their time together.

Augustine put an arm around his girlfriend and pulled her close to give her a hug before sitting up. “So how are you girls getting along over here?” he asked.

“We’re doing ok, same old same old. Asdey loves doing demo’s for the museum and Chandra is happy with the work she’s doing at the dentist office.” Versary said as she too sat up.

“What about Tellope? You mentioned a while ago that her visions are getting the better of her and that she’s trying to block them out by getting high.” Augustine said clearly worried.

Versary nodded. “She still does that whenever she gets the chance. I don’t see why though, I mean, she has one of the best powers out of all of us.”

“Versary this isn’t good. If she continues to do as she’s doing then it’s only a matter of time before her powers are so diminished that she can’t use them. Once that happens she’ll end up going insane.”

She looked at Augustine wide eyed. “How, why?” was all she could say.

“Have you seen or heard of Nikki lately?” Augustine asked trying to be calm.

“Yeah I saw her picture on the television a few months ago. They said she broke out of the asylum for the mentally insane. But she was found a few weeks later trying to fly.”

Augustine nodded “She’s in the asylum because once you have a taste for the power that you can posses you end up needing it. So once it’s gone you’ll go insane trying to reach for it. That’s what will happen to Tellope if she doesn’t stop.”

Versary stared at Augustine for a few minutes letting everything she had been told sink in. “Is there anything we can do to save her from that?”

“Come back to Straken for a few days. It’ll be Billie Jean’s birthday ball soon and I know she’d love to have you all there to comfort her right now.” He said hoping that they would come back.

It had been three days since Billie Jean had suspended Billy Bob from the council and had her fight with Hank. Billie Jean had basically locked herself in her room for that time, refusing to leave for any reason. The only person she’d let in was Hagi who would bring her meals to her. Augustine knew that the only ones to bring Billie Jean out of this slump were her friends that she hadn’t seen in two years.

Versary thought about what Augustine had said for a few minutes. It would be awesome to see Billie Jean again and it could help Tellope save herself. But what if everyone there expected them to stay in Straken? She was happy here and didn’t want to give that up.

“I don’t know. I should really talk to the others first, see what they think.” she said.

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