How it happened

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I bounded down the stairs leaving one of the concert I was still gitty from the excitement. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Samantha. "THE SHOW WAS AMAZEBALLS! I can't wait to see you at the next one." I place my phone back into my pocket and walked somewhat quickly with the crowd towards the doors but I stayed on the outskirts of the crowd like I always did I could see the security on either sides of the doors as well as some by that which were doors that lead to backstage. Someone grabbed me by my waste as I approached the doors. "Thank you boys excuse me." An English accent said in my ear as I was quickly dragged towards the back stage doors the security guard just nodded in aproval. Fear began to sink in. Once the door was closed I wiggled to get free. " What are you doing let me go." I was trying to not make a scene outside but we're in closed doors now. "Kittens feisty aye." He said putting me down. I turned around quickly to look at him. At first I thought I gave myself whiplash and was seeing wrong. The boy just smirked and waited for me to say something. He had thick brown hair that hung down to his eyes and matching brown eyes . I felt shock reside in my stomach as I tried to get the words out. "I-i think you have the wrong girl. " I barely whispered as I reached for the door handle to leave. He put a hand against the door holding it shut. "No I don't Elaine" he said. Holy fuck Harry Styles knows my fucking name. To be completely honest with you I've had a love hate relationship with one direction and their music. And now I was just downright shocked by one of their memebers. "I know someone who's been looking for you" he said turning me around to face the corridor. It was empty but I could see doors with two names. 1D and another displayed the characters 5SOS. I about dropped dead. 5 seconds of summer now here is a band that I would fangirl over just at the mention of their name god did I want to steal that sign. "To be honest with you I've expected you to faint by now." He chuckled. " Look I've noticed you've been at our last four shows and I've also noticed that you've been on Someone's laptop screen for far too fucking long. And yet he hasn't made any moves to try and contact you." I think my knees are gonna give out. He lead me to 1D's door and close it behind us I was a big room with couches and other things much like a living room. "Hey look you got her." Zayn pointed out eating what looked like popcorn. Did everyone else know about me too. "Yeah I did she's surprisingly light." Harry said walking over to the couch. Surprisingly that kinda hurt. I stood still in my pace by the door. Zayn looked at me in the mid of putting popcorn in his mouth. "Well don't just stand there. Come sit down we won't bite you." He said pointing to the couch. There was only one spot left on the couch and that was between them I happily resided to walk in some find and empty wall that I wasn't going to get hit with a door and sat against it. I'm not about to sit between those two I don't even know why I'm here. Zayn offered me the bowl of popcorn I shook my head. "Look darling we not gonna hurt you your just gonna hang out here for a bit till the boys get back." I looked away pulling out my phone. And checked for any texts from Sam. YEAH I CAN'T WAIT SORRY I COULDN'T BE AT THIS ONE SEE YOU SOON! Oh Sam if you were here. I felt a wash of hot air and the smell of men's body wash. I insinctly looked up to watch Niall to walk in wearing a white towel around his waste another drying his hair. "Hey guys have you seem my comb. " He said. I quickly turned to face the corner. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" I shout ed I could feel that my face was burning red. I could feel three pairs of eyes staring at my back. Niall laughed. "Oh sorry love I forgot you were supposed to be here. You don't have to be shy I'm covered. " I heared the door click closed behind him. "Can you please put some clothes on!" I shouted. He laughed again. "Kittens got claws" he said and I heard and unzipping of a bag. I heard the rest of the boys flood in. "Damn those girls are crazy" Louis exasperated. "Okay you can turn around now Kitten." Niall said zipping the bag closed I peeked behind me. "No I'm good." I shuddered as I said. Liam chuckled. "We are all fully clothed Kitten" I sighed and turned around. "Awe look at her she's so cute when she's blushing." Zayn teased. "Kittens already cute Zayn" Harry explained looking at his phone. I blushed harder. The boys laughed taking their places in the couches and chairs. "Kitten is adorable. " Niall teased me further. I heard the door open and tensed. "That show was great boys Niall, Harry amazing jobs. " said a man I didn't know he walked in complementing the boys. He turned to Niall and saw me sitting next to him against the wall. I didn't chose to. He moved his chair closer to me. "Oh hey look you guys got kitten they'll be thrilled." He explained. "Well the busses are ready when you are and 5SOS will be in here any minute. " he said over his shoulder as he walked back out the door. " Hey guys I ended up with Niall's comb." Luke walked in. God this man was even taller up close. He stopped in place when he saw me. "Hey isn't this-" he stopped mid sentence. "Hey Michael you got to see this!" He shouted behind him. I shook my head crossing my hand over my neck trying to tell him to stop. I'd have a fangirl attack if I got surrounded by both of the bands. Luke leaned out the door frame calling for Micheal again I took my chance to run the the other door to lock myself in the bathroom but Zayn caught me just before I could reach the handle. "No ya dont" I struggled to break free he just gripped me closer. "Let me go please let me go!" I tried to reach the door with my hands and feet. My nails scratched his hand open a little.. "ow " he said in my ear as a whisper. I felt bad that I scratched him I did but that didn't want to still run. "What Luke I'm trying to find som- hey isn't that ki- I mean Elaine?" Michael asked now staring at me I stopped thrashing once I felt all eyes on my I looked around at them as Zayn held me a little off of the floor. Michael turned a little back towards the door still watching me I shook my head. I started "No don't yo-" "Hey Ash Come here you gotta see this!" I sighed in defeat I felt completely deflated as I just hung there in Zayn hold. Ashton came in. "Oh hey there Kitten how are you?" He said once he noticed me. "Annoyed" I sighed blushing. "Hey guys what's all the shouting abo-" Calum stopped dead in the door way. "Zayn put her down" he said in a low voice everyone was a little shocked Zayn chuckled "but it took so long to catch this little kitty" he complained. Calum blushed and looked away. "Just put her down." He said. I felt the floor beneath me as I made eye contact with Calum. He looked guilty. I saw Zayn sigh looking at his hand. I had completely forgot about that I cut him. "Oh I'm sorry your not bleeding are you let me see" I said grabbing his right hand. I saw blood dripping slowly down his hands. "I'm so sorry. Sit down I'll fix it. I pulled out a small container out of my pocket and sat on the table in front of him. I wiped the blood from his hand. "This may hurt a little. " I said as I began to clean it with alcohol. He cursed jerking away but I held his hand in place. "Hold still." I said I could feel everyone's eyes on me but there was someone next to me that wasn't before. I covered it with cloth and began wrapping his hand with the white gauze in the container. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you that deep. You'll still be able play just don't mess with it tonight." I instructed. I looked up to see them all staring at me in shock. "I thought you only knew how to play and sing music we didn't know you could-" Niall said. I laughed and lift my shirt sleeve to reveal lots of band aids and scars. "I'm really clumsy so my mother had me take first aid classes so I could start taking care of myself." I explained. "I never noticed you had all this in your videos." I blushed "not t-that I watched all your videos." Calum blushed looking away from me. I laughed. "I've watched all of your guys's videos. Before they got deleted anyway." I said looking at him. "That's so cool that kitten watched all our videos." Ashton said. "So you've been a fan for a long time." I practically laughed. "Are you kidding me have you seen all of the covers that I've done of your songs. They're amazing Calum seriously knows how to write flipping amazing songs" I said then instantly felt awkward and blushed. "In a non creepy fangirl way." I quickly said. Then faced palmed. "I just dug myself deeper into that hole didn't i?" I said. Micheal laugh. "Maybe just a little. " I checked my watch "crap I missed my plane." They all checked their phones for the times. We had been here in this room for two hours wasting time. "Are you planning on being at our next show as well?" Luke asked. "Not the next one here but the one in California I was going to go with my friend but I'll be late now because I have to get another ticket." I glared at Harry. "This is your fault you know that right. " I said. "Just come with us." Calum said. I stared at him shocked. Ride in a bus with 5SOS to their next two concerts. Also on a plane. I think I'm dreaming "Consider it an adventure for one of your blogs." Ashton said. "Or you consider it as us kid napping you which ever you'd like." Micheal said. "So it's official you're coming with us. " Luke said. Wait did all this just happen. I didn't even get the CHANCE to say no! "Welcome aboard the three day kid nap train" Luke joked Ashton helped me up and lead me to the door. "See you soon Kitten!" I heard the boys say behind me. I looked around. Wait did I just get Kid Napped by 5 Seconds Of Summer!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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