Chapter One- The party

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I hurry down the cobblestone path as the black and gray clouds start to drift closer. Thunder rumbles deep within the clouds. Really wishing I would've brought an umbrella just about now, it hardly rains in Redwood so I don't get much use out of it. I pick up my pace and swing open my front door just in time. The rain pours down making a loud, but satisfying noise as it hits the ground. The wind comes in with no warning, the sky screeches in protest and tree branches begin to fly everywhere. I lock the front door and turn around to find an empty house. It's already 5:30 and my mom's still not home. I walk a loop around the bottom floor to make sure no windows are open then make my way up to my room. I shut my door and stroll over to my vanity. Yikes, the humidity really did a number on my hair. I comb out my long golden brown hair, which is usually straight but reminds me of an Afro right now. I peel off my school clothes and throw on a baby pink tracksuit. I hear a muffled sound coming from somewhere in my room, my phone I think. I search, tossing my previous clothes off my bed. Finally I find it a pick it up "Hey Soph..." "Girl party at Lucas' house tonight!" My best friend screams at me through the phone. "Ughhh I don't want to, it's rainy and cold!" I whine. "Come on Bay please! Josh will be there and I really want to make my move! And Lucus throws the best parties, it's the biggest one of the year!" she begs. "I'm supposed to go to my Dads house tomorrow though, I haven't seen him since the divorce and you know I hate parties." I say. "He'll understand" she shoots back "Please this party will be fun!" "whatever but you're driving" I say as I roll my eyes. "Yay I'll pick you up in 10!" She squeals. "But you live 20 minutes away?" I question "I've already been driving for 10 minutes" she laughs. I hang up the phone and sit at my vanity. I swipe on a bit of makeup, do a subtle pink eyeshadow with a bit of sparkly, add a soft pink lip and done! My hair's still not looking picture perfect so I run a straightener through and pull it back to a slick Ariana Grande ponytail. I swipe hangers left and right in my closet trying to find the perfect outfit. I end up deciding on a tight pink dress that ends on my upper thigh and back ties. 

I scratch a note on a sticky note and pat it to the fridge so my mom knows where I am. The rains finally stopped and Sophie pulls into the long driveway of the farm house. I struggle to put on my pink strappy heels.

 I struggle to put on my pink strappy heels

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(My imagination of Bay's dress and heels)

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(My imagination of Bay's dress and heels)

 I half walk half run to the car and climb into the old Ford escape. Sophie is wearing a tight black dress that dips down really low in the front "Hey babe CAREFUL" Sophie screams "don't get your muddy shoes all over my baby" she babbles in a baby voice. I'm about to speak when she cuts me off "damn girl you really do be lookin fine!" we both laugh. We pull up to Lucas house and walk to the door knock knock "Hey Bailey Boo" Lucas says with a grin. He's been my best friend since we were 4 and he loves teasing me. "Hi Lukey Pokey" I shoot back with a wink. Lucas gives Sophie a annoyed look but doesn't say anything. They've had a little fuse for as long as I can remember, which can be difficult because they're both my best friends. Soph gives him a fake smile and we walk in. I turn around to find Sophie has already ditched me for Josh, "great" I think to myself as I let out a sigh. I begin to turn to go hide in a corner, I hate parties, when Lucas grabs my arm and spins me around. He guides me out of the jammed back room of drunk teenagers dancing to loud obnoxious music into the less crowded kitchen. "Sophie ditch you al..." I give him a warning look "uhh nevermind umm, surprised to see you here. You hate parties" he says changing the subject. "I know, my head hurts already" He laughs "you've been here for less than five minutes!" He exclaims amused "I should've drove myself" I say trying to look annoyed but not being able to keep a straight face. Lucas' laugh is contagious. "Well you look stunning as always" He says with a genuine smile "wanna drink?" he questions. "I better not, I'm assuming I'll be the one driving home" I say with a laugh "alrighty, if you need some peace and quiet you can go up to my room" he says as he walks back to the living room. "I'm gonna need it" I say under my breath. I pick through a few treats on the table before finally forcing myself to go back to the party. I take a shallow breath and walk in. I search for Sophie, or Lucas, or anyone I'm friends with but come up short. I walk into the middle of the room to try to find Sophie but I just keep getting bumped every which way. A hand grabs my wrist and turns me around. It's a tall guy with short blonde hair who I've never seen before. He's wearing dark blue jeans and a black shirt. He pulls me in close, I can smell the alcohol on his breath. "Hey hot stuff" he says to me. "Gross" I think. He slides his hand into the back of my dress "shit I knew I shouldn't have worn an open back dress" I think. "What's wrong darling, aren't you having fun?" He says in a weird attempt of a seducing voice. "I'm looking for someone" I say with a forced smile. I try to turn to walk away but his grip tightens. "Let go of me" I say, starting to get more panicked "C'mon let's have a little fun, wanna go upstairs?" He says with a grin. "I said let go of me!" I try to take my hand away but it's no use, his hand slides farther down my back. "Stop get off of me!" I shriek. He starts pulling be toward the stairs . My heart is beating a mile a minute and I can feel it pounding in my ears "C'mon no need to be shy this'll be fun" I turn and make one more attempt to break free but his elbow collides right into my eye. I gasp as the pain begins. We're halfway up the stairs when I see Sophie I scream for her but it's no use, the music's too loud. He starts to push me away from the stairs into a room but I brace my hands on the doorway to stop us. I scream but he starts getting more angry, or worried that he's going to get caught? He rams his knee into my leg causing my ankle to twist and I hear a quiet crunch as a searing pain shoots through my left ankle. I choke back a sob. My hands start slipping and just when I feel my hands coming off the wall the blonde boy goes flying back. I turn around to see what happened when I see Lucas on top of him. I struggle to see who is who because their hair is so similar but the sleazy boy has no chance against Lucas' strong athletic build. I hear Lucas yell a few things in a voice I've never heard from him. "I swear to god if you ever fucking touch her again!" He growls as he punches the other boy, blood streams from the red shirt boy's nose. Two of Lucas' friends, Andrew and Ash, come up the stairs to see what was happening. I didn't even realize I was slumped against the floor until Lucas yelled for his friends to kick the drunk blonde boy out. He quickly comes over to me in two large steps and kneels down beside me. "Are you okay? God Bay I'm so sorry I don't know who invited him. Bay? Bailey? Bailey are you okay?" He gasp "Your eye, I'm going to kill him!" Lucas roars "I.. I... I'm okay" I stammer "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" Lucas blabbered as he helps me get up. I let out a cry as I put pressure on my ankle and begin to fall again. This time Lucas catches me and swoops me up to carry me like a child. He swings open his bedroom door and gently places me on his bed. "Bailey I... I" "Lucas, it's not your fault" I say. He looks at me with sad eyes. "still.." he begins, but shakes the thought from his head. "Let me see your ankle" He said "I'm fine honestly" I answer. Truthfully, I don't want to attempt to take the stupid strappy heels off because I know it will hurt. "No you're not, take your shoe off" he replies sternly. I take a deep breath and start to undo the strap. I bite my lip and am clearly showing the pain that is almost unbearable on my face because Lucas stops me. "here let me" he says in a soft voice. I lay my head back on his bed and cover my face with his pillow. He manages to slowly undo all the straps and I let out a sigh. "It's really swollen" Lucas says worriedly "should've worn flats" I say under my breath. "I'll get you some ice, you can change into these if you want" he says, handing me a big sweatshirt that reads "Redwood high school Junior Boys soccer team" in big blue letters across the front and a pair of gray shorts. He shuts the door behind him and I hear it lock. I undo the bow at the back of my dress and slip it over my head replacing it with the sweatshirt then gently slip on the shorts. The soft fuzzy cotton feels comforting on my bare skin. Lucas returns and knocks on the door. He comes in with two bags of ice. He grabs one of the nice throw pillows from his bed and carefully places my foot onto it. "Here do you want to put this one on your eye to stop any swelling?" he asks. "Okay doctor Lucas" I say with a smile "well you learn a few things with two doctors as parents" he replies with a small laugh. I shiver from the piercing cold ice. "I'll get you a blanket" Lucas says, noticing, and he quickly hurries off. "Fuzzy blue or thick purple" he says holding two blankets up. "Hmmm which one is your favorite?" I ask "blue, it's softer" "Fuzzy blue it is" I reply. He lays the blue blanket on top of me "do you want me to take you to the emergency room? Both my parents are there and I haven't been drinking" He says softly. "I'm okay really" I yawn "Just a little tired" "You can stay here tonight, everyone has already left and Sophie left her keys for you. She got a ride with Josh" Lucas replies "Of course she did" I said with an eye roll. "It's okay I can drive home, I don't want to take up room in your bed" I say as I begin to get up but a pain shoots through me and my head turns fuzzy. The room starts spinning when Lucas lowers my head back down. "No you can't and you're not taking up any room, you're a tiny little thing" He laughs "wanna watch a movie?" "sure" I say with another yawn. Lucas turns and walks to the closet, he takes off his shirt showing the defined muscles and puts on a similar sweater to the one he gave me. He changes from his jeans to sweatpants and climbs onto the bed beside me resting his arm around me. He pulls the blanket over him and tosses the thickly stuffed comforter over the both of us. I hear him turn on the tv but I'm not even sure what movie he picked. My eyes became heavier and heavier and the last thing I remember before the darkness completely covered my vision was Lucas lightly kissing my forehead and whispering "sweet dreams Bailey Boo". 

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