Out on the Town

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You smiled and waved goodbye to your dad as your exited the tavern. Today was your supply run. You would go out at the end of every week and pick up meats, fruits, and any other goods to help keep the tavern in stock.

You also where going to give a tour to that Lion guy you met yesterday. You waited for him, and luckily you didn't have to wait long as he showed up quickly.

"Hello dear!~ hopefully I didn't keep you waiting!~," he kept his classic smile as he sauntered up to you, and you waved at him.

"Oh no! You didn't are you ready for our tour? Is there anything specific you'd like to see?" You replied.

He pondered for a moment, "Well I'd like to see the market, and whatever you think is interesting.~ It's not often I get to come down here.~," he smiled and chuckled.

"I thought you just moved here?" You start walking towards the market and he follows right next to you softly laughing.

"Yes yes! That is what I said isn't it!~" he gives his cryptic answer and starts looking around as you enter the marketplace.

The smell of baked goods fill your nose as the chatting of customers and salespeople enters your ears. You smile as you head straight towards your favorite little shop.

It's a bakery that makes the finest bread, cakes, and cookies ever. Your dad is friends with the owner, so they let you use some of their goods at the tavern.

"Hello ma'am! It smells great in here!" You smile at the owner as she smiles back and sets some bread in the oven to rise.

"Hello (Y/N)! Here for the usual?" She starts preparing your order as you nod. Your companion starts to look around at all the goods and turns to you quizzically.

"Do you not make your own baked goods? Why have you come here?" He states a little more serious then usual.

"We buy some of her foods as back up in case we don't have time to prepare. We mostly make our own stuff." You inform him and then scratch your head sheepishly as you add, "I also love her cookies, so this is mostly a treat for me."

He regains his smile again, "I see... good to know dear!"

You then get your favorite cookie and allow your guest to get something too. Shaking your head as again he told the owner to 'surprise him'.

The rest of the day went smoothly as you went to your normal stops picking up meat, fruits, and vegetables. Making a few stops at the library and tailor to educate your new friend. He kept his eyes on you most of the time, with his classic smug smile staying the whole time.

You both approached the town square's fountain and smile at each other.

"I hope I showed you all the best stops! I would show you the castle but the gates are always closed." You sigh sitting on the edge of the fountain and looking at the castle in the distance.

"There is no need for that dear.~ I have no interest in the castle or it's inhabitants."

"Really? Aren't you going to be working under the royals as a noble?"

"You could say that!" He chuckles, and you look at him confused on his answer.

You don't get to follow up though as two guards approach you, and Lion quickly puts on his hood.

"You there with the cloak. We are looking for a runaway who happens to look quiet similar to you. Take off your hood." One of the guard demands.

Lion shakes his head and turns his head away from them. And speaking in a deeper voice then normal states assertively, "I do not know who you are talking about. Nor do it care. Leave me alone at once."

The second guard huffs and grabs Lion by the collar and goes to rip his hood off.

"Excuse me!" You grab the guards arm. "I don't know if you heard him, but he said he DOESN'T know who you're taking about! You have no right forcing my friend to do anything when he answered honestly. Plus he's been with me all day. If he was a runaway why would he have stayed in town?"

The first guard thought for a moment and shuffled as people started to gather around the commotion.

The second guard spoke up, "You have no right to talk back. Now let go!" He use the arm you where grabbing to shove you off. Making you lose balance and fall onto the dirt scrapping yourself in the process.

You wince and glare at the man as Lion looked at you, surprised you stood up for him.

The crowd started to murmur louder after you where rudely handled by the guard, and the first guard started to notice the growing peanut gallery.

He put his hand on his co-workers shoulder,"Let's go, he had an alibi, and" he starts to whisper, "we are gaining a lot of attention."

The second guard sighs angrily and sets Lion down.

"I got my eye on you. Hooded bastard." They both left quickly and the crowd dispersed.

You sigh and look at your scrapped hands. Lion looks at the damage to and chuckled to himself.

"Well that was a bad way to end the day, right my dear?"

You shake your head and chuckle with him, "yeah, but I still had fun!" You stand up and dust yourself off as Lion links arms with you, and you look at him confused.

"It's only proper I escort you home, my dear.~" he states matter of factly, and his grip softly tightens on your arm. You just go with it, and smile walking home.


(TW for gore ahead.)

Both guards sighed as their mission was fruitless. They needed to find him, that damned boy ran off last night too, and the captain was not pleased.

Then walked back solemnly to the castle and cut through an alley way. Both thinking about how they'll explain this to their boss.

They both snapped to attention though when they heard footsteps behind them.
Quickly turning around they saw a man with fluffy red hair trailing them.

"Is there a problem sir?" The first guard asks.

Hermes approached and glared harshly at both of them, pure disgust in his eyes.

The second guard scoffed and put his hand on the hilt of his weapon, "Take one step closer and I'll kick your ass back to the front of the rainb-" he was cut off as a claymore was hurled right through his stomach.

He screamed out in pain as scarlet started to coat the ground and his intestines got their first glimpse of the outside world.

The first guard held in his vomit as the metallic smell invaded his nose, as he looked at his skewered friend. Quickly taking out his sword as it was obvious this man was a threat. Shakily he turned back to where the murderous man was only to see he was gone.

The first guard nearly started to cry right there as he was foolish enough to lose site of the predator. He tried to keep his breathing steady as he looked around for the threat.

He heard a scoff behind him and went to attack when he was uppercutted in the face, knocking his helmet off and disorienting him.

Hermes took this chance to move around to the back of the first guard and grab his head. Snapping his neck letting his death be quicker then his friend who was still bleeding out.

Hermes dropped the first guard and went over to the man who held most of his hate.

He ripped his claymore out of the second guard bringing him back to consciousness momentarily. Hermes set the man on his back against the pavement as he groaned loudly in pain. Hermes anger came back in full swing as he got on him and started to beat the second guards face in.

He would mutilate this man till he felt a fraction of the pain he caused you.

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