Losing Your Virginity

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He doesn't really care if you were or weren't. To him it didn't matter about before, you were his now.He'll be easy on you, understanding how you were new to this. How you'd be sensitive and it would hurt. Nanami would be so careful. Fingering you, eating you out, anything to get you nice and wet. Expect some time being spent on you, he wants to enjoy it cause once he starts, he may not be able to stop.Although he said earlier how he didn't care if you were a virgin or not, that seemed to change once he started. His dirty talk is a mix of praise and how he's so lucky to be the only one to ever have you like this. "Fuck baby. So good at taking me." "You were built for me, built for me to fuck. Only for me." "That's right baby. Only for me. you're all mine."He's not too rough, but by the end, he does get more aggressive. Chasing after his own high when he gets close. No worry, he made sure to make you cum a few times. He's not cruel.Expect amazing aftercare, especially since it's your first time.

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