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07 | Eustace The Dragon

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07 | Eustace The Dragon

The tension in the air was clear as day. The group of four were now walking back towards where they left the rest of the crew members. Lucy and Kya ahead, barely looking at Edmund Caspian. Lucy was more upset than Kya, but Kya still felt some sort of disappointment towards the two boys.

Kya had most certainly not been in Narnia for as long as either of them, yet they faltered and she didn't. It confused her as to why a stranger to this land would be able to resist such powerful temptations.

Kya had heard her name being called by Caspian multiple times. Though she tried her hardest to ignore his calls and keep her attention forward. Lucy was a bit more ahead than her, while Edmund was able to pass by Kya.

She knew that Caspian was getting closer to her. Kya tried her hardest to not look back at him. It wasn't just about what went on in the cavern. Kya couldn't allow herself to fall for Caspian even more than she already had. She couldn't grow more attached to him, it would make things much harder for her when she leaves.

Caspian had given up on trying to turn Kya's attention to him; they all soon caught sight of the crew of the Dawn Treader surrounding the longboats. It seemed that they didn't have much luck finding any food or water.

Approaching them, Caspian was first to break the tense silence. "What food did you find?"

The woven baskets weren't filled with much and it was certainly not enough to last them a while. "It's volcanic, Your Majesty." said Rhince. "Not much grows."

Kya examined the grounds, and soon noticed the absence of someone. Her heart stopped when she turned to look all around and he still was nowhere to be found, Eustace was nowhere to be found. "Lucy," Kya tapped her cousin on the shoulder. "Do you know where my brother is?"

Lucy looked around their party, noticing the boy was missing as well. "I don't know." she muttered to Kya. "Where's Eustace?"

"I believe he's out, not helping us load the boats," said Reepicheep.

His response didn't really help, it just made Kya worry more. She frantically looked around, hoping to catch sight of him at some point. Kya feared that something might have happened to him. Her breathing became heavier, her head pounding.

Kya didn't know what to do but called out for her brother. "Eustace!" There was no response, Kya felt like she was shaking with fear. She had never been more scared in her life. The thought of her brother being hurt or worse - it terrified her. "Eustace!" she cried out once more.

"Edmund, I've got a bad feeling." Lucy said, turning to face her brother.

"I'll go find him." replied Edmund.

"I'll come with you." offered Caspian, earning a quick glance from Edmund before starting to walk off.

"So am I." Kya said following after the two of them.

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